
Hey, if they weren’t willing to accept the repercussions of getting detained against their will in America, raped, and forced to carry the child to term ... then they shouldn’t have fled the gang violence and rape of their Central American country of origin. Wait, that sounds bad.

This needs a billion stars.

I’m 100% certain that there was a not-zero number of female professors, administrators, and the like at his school who had had abortions in their younger days, who, more likely than not, would not be in those positions if not for the abortions. It’s just the law of large numbers.

The thing is...I am absolutely more successful today than I would have been if I hadn’t had an abortion at 16. It was the smartest choice I could have made, not to mention I didn’t want to have a baby. 

“By making the choice to have sex, a woman is making a conscious decision to engage in an act that has the natural result of creating a pregnancy”

Men shouldn’t have sex if they’re not prepared to accept that the woman may get an abortion.

Unlike the Browns OL Coach, I can see you’re a huge fan of stretching.

20-25 percent of NFL players are able to come back

I watched the second gif of the maneuver that she did and let out an audible “What the fuck”. That front flip that transitions into a cartwheel, back flip, then whatever she does is entrancing. 

ULTRA MEGA FUCK that commercial!

Years from now, you’ll tell your grandkids about the Arians/Palmer glory days, and those grandkids won’t give a shit because they’ll be Cowboys fans.

Of the six schools I’ve worked at (ranging from small DIIIs to huge DI Power 5 schools), five have had toxic cultures within the football programs that enabled/covered up: assault, illegal possession/discharge of a firearm, widespread and coordinated academic dishonesty, abusive coaching staffs, car theft, and drug

This comment answers all the questions you asked in your first comment. These people are simply very very stupid. You’d think FBS football program would employ people who at least have a faint understanding of fitness and working out, but here we are. 2018 says the Darndest things.

One of the many fucked up things from the article is the coaches calling players they didn’t think were good “thieves” for being on scholarship. How ironic is that coming from 6 and seven figure salary guys coaching (at a public university mind you) kids that have to practice all the time, are broke, and were pledged s

Damn, this is one grim-ass competition they're holding in the Big 10. By the time it's Iowa's turn, they're gonna have to carpet-bomb Cambodia just to keep up.

Maryland will probably just stick their heads inside their bodies and wait for the threat to go away.

We’re getting to the point where you have to wonder what schools don’t have a toxic culture in one or many sports.

Huh, the NCAA seems a lot more concerned with protecting student athletes from being paid than protecting them from being abused by staff.

My mother is a racist. I am grateful that I figured out pretty early on that she was, and that I would have to do some pretty serious mental detox to make sure I wouldn’t absorb it. If she were less of a mean person, I might well have absorbed it too - hers isn’t the white-robe/torch variety of racism, it’s the