As a parent my first thought was "poop"
As a parent my first thought was "poop"
Yes. Deport a legal 2 year old American citizen to punish his mother. MAGA, right, racist troll?
You mean like the state of Georgia implemented in 2011, only to see hundreds of millions of dollars of agricultural output rot in the fields, and the state seriously contemplating reintroducing Jim Crow-era prison labor gangs to make up the shortfall?
Not if there is a custody battle over a 2 year old is involved. The greatest punishment for a woman leaving you? Take her kid.
How about jailing the CEO’s of corporations that hire undocumented immigrants? Huh? Huh?
the biggest gossip I know is a cis het man that you do NOT want to tell any of your secrets
Hell, I would say that in any objective analysis, sports reporting has done a hell of a lot worse for the world than any reporting on “women’s issues” ever has, for the very simple reason that all Rupert Murdoch and Rush Limbaugh ever did was take the same format as sports radio, and import it into political…
Considering her beat is generally as a legal expert writing about players accused of violent crimes, you may not want that...
I don’t watch the Kardashians, but the way they managed to parlay Kim’s sex tape into over a billion dollar family empire is fairly impressive. Many others have tried to turn a minor moment of fame into long-term celebrity, and none have succeeded as much as the Kardashians. Sure we can bitch about how they are famous…
YESSSSSSS more Diana Moskovitz pieces over here on Jezebel pleeeeease
You certainly do not need this validation, but holy fucking shit you are completely correct.
Not surprising at all if you actually LISTEN to those 10-year-olds, instead of just pearl-clutching at their signs.
All of them lifelong members of the May I Speak to Your Manager Tabernacle Choir.
Fucking Phyllis Schlaffly. There are no words for the damage that that woman did. Although, this bitch is out there trying real hard to one-up her:
They know exactly what they’re doing. This is the same playbook women like Phyllis Schlaffly and Anita Bryant played by. Trample the rights of other women, then double down on women of color, next play the victim. Feign surprise that the women you’re helping to oppress have “rejected” you.
in Alabama, 63 percent of white women cast their ballots for the noted sexual predator Roy Moore
In what world are curse words, condoms, and TAMPONS equivalent?