
I get this. I’m a white girl but I totally get this. I’m legally blind. I can’t remember the last time I saw mainstream media (books, movies, news) that wasn’t either “goddamn superhero” or “inspirational just by living”. It gets exhausting. Sure, the inspiration stories can be important but they are by no means the

How does this not have all the stars???

Sorry for your loss, but she sounds awesome.

Donate whatever can be taken. Cremated and either scattered somewhere fun or one of those “tree urns” so I’m useful.

How do we fix that? I know I’ve kept quiet so I wouldn’t be ‘difficult’, but other than age and an older mentor, how do we get our girls to learn that if something doesn’t feel right it’s OKAY to speak up? Because I’ve heard so many horror stories of how wrong that attitude can go. :-(

Kind of like Katniss, huh? :-)

Unless that man was Jay Cutler. Then it would be all over his “inappropriate" facial expressions. The amount of hate he gets just because of his face is crazy.

No, it didn’t make him do that... but there’s no denying that it protected him before, during and after he did. And that’s wrong.

My dog has allergies and store bought treats are sketchy. We use ours to dehydrate meat (liver, specifically but freezer burner chicken or sweet potatoes, little bit of everything). ITs fantastic.

My dog has allergies and store bought treats are sketchy. We use ours to dehydrate meat (liver, specifically but

While the case is nifty... isn’t the whole point of tubing or beach time to unplug? Just leave the phone at home and enjoy disconnecting to all that crap for a bit.

While the case is nifty... isn’t the whole point of tubing or beach time to unplug? Just leave the phone at home and

So because he's a dude he can't be sensitive about the same objectivation we denounce in women? Sorta feels victim blame-y to me "you signed up for it, don't complain. you have a cock so your opinion in this is invalid"... would we EVER say that about a woman? "you did that terrible movie to be seen this way, don't

I'm the 3rd of 3 to a mother who feels the same way. In another world, none of us would be here but she loves us. Its makes for a strangely complicated relationship. There's also the fact that she told me once I exists because she was trying to "keep the peace" so they could leave her first husband (I don't call him

He's on the job interview of his life. Looking like he's washed his face and ironed his suit should be a no brainer, but apparently it is not.

Oh, man. Same. I just hit 30 and my circle of friends over the last few years has added husbands and babies... and I'm like, "hey, my dog is pretty great amiright?". I like kids but newborns are terrifying and pregnancy is frigging weird and I have zero desire to join that club. Which makes me the very weird one.

Will never understand why we can't do all these things. Make babies safer, scared girls less scared AND address the underlying issues that cause babies to be in danger and girls to be scared. Of course, my lovely state still thinks 6th graders buy the stork story of where babies come from so what the hell should I

Again no love for SOA. Charlie Hunnam's Jax went from rage to total devastation and was incredible this year. Award shows are crap.

There's also the total fact that driving in the rain is fucking awful. Whereas already being home, dry and warm with no need to become otherwise totally wins.

Blackout curtains and covering/removing LED indicator lights. I can sleep on a bag of rocks if its warm and dark enough.

Glad to see this case was handled better than the last few stories out of Tallahassee. This cop seems to have given a shit and treated her as a human being, which is sadly much more than many stories lately. Hope she has some support and love around her going forward.