
I guess he was a much better actor than we realized…

The kids on the show are great. They actually sound like kids- complete with the teenage boy's voice cracking when he talks to his dad.

Maybe to provide jobs for fact-checkers?

I am so curious what dirt Stanley must have on the higher ups at the NY Times to avoid losing her job after so many issues with her. That has to be it, right?

Herman Melville could have gotten rid of all that stuff about whaling; it's awkward and irrelevant and today, mostly inaccurate. But I guess his point is people will eat that shit up regardless.

Yeah… it didn't really work for me as a joke. It didn't come off as satire so much as tone-deaf and oblivious.

I AM SO HAPPY ABOUT THIS AS WELL! Now along with Lost, AV Club has 2 of my favorite shows I can relive…

Gotta appreciate classic internet wank. I'm seriously curious - Pern has so many weird sexual elements to it that I can see causing a serious shitstorm today now in the world of the internets.

Definitely interested in seeing this- there is so much material to work with! However I do wonder how they will portray the rather, um, unique views on sex and sexuality that came from McCaffrey's mind (tent poles anyone?) or if that will be left out all together.

"Well of course it will"- exactly what I thought upon seeing the headline

Totally disagree on Jon and Ygritte.
I'm a book reader, I knew it was coming, and I still cried. In a room full of (non book reading) people who also cried. It was powerful.

How is your life of torment and ship baiting?

Loved this episode but ahh, can Regina catch a break?!

I've met some amazing people on planes. The best was a woman I talked to from US to London. We both happened to have the same career and it was like meeting my twin from another country. To this day I'm still pisses I lost her email address. But maybe I've just been lucky.

No worries, you're right, probably just a slip by HawkSeason. Roslin = Mary McDonell, Starbuck = Katee Sackhoff

You're totally right. I mean the latest UN report only had 772 scientists co-signing it. Everyone knows 772 is an obvious Illuminati reference. Temperature was invented by Scientologists, and has nothing to do with weather. It's ALL LIES!

Aw, guys, don't be too hesitant just because of all the noise about Lost's ending.