
@geekgirlliz: Agreed. Less is always more. However, sunblock is always a must!

Funny that 22 yr old actresses are now getting roles meant for 37 year old characters.

@meg9: Nor do I wear makeup during the day, save for sunblock and Burt's Bees Lip Colour & my skin is very healthy & looks great.

@SarsDoesn'tSave: Unless she is living in the woods, is living below the poverty line, killing for food is not necessary.

It doesn't hurt to put a little powder on a photo. Seriously, who leaves their house with absolutely nothing on their face?

This is sick. The only time one should kill an animal is if that animal is armed & dangerous. I loathe fuckhead trophy hunters.

@Moses Hightower: I refuse to believe that 60 Minutes was battling anyone for the "honour" of interviewing this woman.

Oprah has reached her nadir. This this will compete w/ the interview Oprah did with Mo'Nique's brother who molested her as a child.

The thought bubble for photo #3 should be (albeit downbeat) "That's when I fell for the leader of the pack."

I'm with Emma on this one...not only does sloppy slang drive me insane, but adult women who insist on calling others "Haters!" upon their work being criticized.

@megazona: Sounds like mucked up Pig Latin for "resume."

@savethemax: A grimace & an eye roll...I shall give it my best!

Beautiful kid, but how does one pronounce Renesmee? I get the feeling it will make its (teeth) mark on Baby Girl Names any day now.