
@Tippi Hedren: It's mind boggling that droves of women write love letters to convicted killers...this loser included.

I can't wait to not see this film. Hollywood sucks it.

Amber can do a helluva lot better than the "I need some Gary time" shmuck...She could be alone & it would be a mass improvement.

Why Eric Roberts' sister Julia is the bigger star remains a puzzle to me.

@jumpingpiglet: Like being a lesbian is something one can get talked into...Elisabeth doesn't even understand heterosexuality, much less homosexuality. It completely does her wee head in...look at that screen grab.

First thought: What the hell is Emily Blunt doing? She has a film career, John Krasinski...

Cripes, that is a really bad actor...if her line readings were any more wooden, she'd be a marionette.

@tailfeather: I think she looks like her mum, the great Blythe Danner.

@DarlingBecky: Check out the 1979 original Smokey Robinson "Cruising" and compare the two.

I truly cannot stand Gwyneth as a person, as an actor, or singer ("Cruising" remake, anyone?) but I'll give credit where it it due: Paltrow does a fine job on this track and I made it through its entirety (even though she crunches down on her "r's" til they're country fried) w/out one smirk.

I adore Bethenny and I'm digging her new show Bethenny Getting Married. It's refreshing to watch a reality show in which two people actually love each other & accept each others quirks...Hell, it may be the only show.

Thank Christ Joy is still on this deeply stupid show...Elisabeth & Sherri star in a daytime telly version of Dumb & Dumber & I think Joy is screaming on the inside.

"...who took the column at face value and saw it in the better angels of our nature"...