Totally. Still a person of authority who has shoe-horned themselves into a world of access. I just meant that there is a ‘creepy coach’ stereotype and it hasn’t come from nowhere.
Totally. Still a person of authority who has shoe-horned themselves into a world of access. I just meant that there is a ‘creepy coach’ stereotype and it hasn’t come from nowhere.
I’m not sure they meant that the problem was the gender or age of the abuser, but simply pointing out the access this guy had/made for himself which allowed him endless opportunities to coerce and misuse authority as you say.
You have a point though. It’s the same reason school gym teachers have become a running joke...because there’s truth to it. Not always of course. Some people are just nice and into sports. But guess who got taken to court at my all-girls school for having (very) inappropriate relationships with underage girls? Yup…
Think of it this way. It’s not top 40 pop. Apart from the fact that the whole concept of top 40 pop and the music industry and it’s structures, genres and countdowns is totally gone at this point, having been wiped out by the internet and then morphed into something else entirely. If she wanted to do top 40 pop, she…
Absolutely. I was just saying on Friday the more time goes on (without him :() the more I realize how absolutely insanely amazing he was. There will never be another Prince. Not only because pop culture today wouldn’t allow for it, but simply because... there will never be another Prince.
You seem far too reasonable and logical to be a jezebel commenter. At least when it comes to Beyonce
Of course I’m taking that into account. Of ccourse people are angry. Of course you have reasons on reason on reasons to be angry.
Oh yeah. She was reaching way too hard. She probably pulled a muscle.
Because no one with money ever died from addiction.
Her face won’t stay pretty regardless of the drugs or if she starts messing with cosmetic surgery. Age - the great human equalizer. Then we can finally stop hearing about her fake life. Not long now.
Whilst she may be wrong about this particular movie. I do think there is something to the theory of film and tv being one of the only mediums of ideas and communication that is actually crossing the political divide atm or has a chance of doing so in future.
On the other side of the coin. This is the first season of The Bachelor I have watched in about 10 years and I am loooooooving it.
No. 2 on your list is a reeeeaaaally good reason this country is so divided. If you yell. If you call names. No one listens to you. You are a just a crazy person (no matter which side of the debate) yelling. It’s the same in your relationships at home or in the workplace. Yelling doesn’t win fights. It makes animosity…
Says the people who go camping with BEARS!!!!
I can go you one better. What song/s do this so-called Fifth Harmony sing? I have seriously no idea. Have I heard one? They are not the spice girls because my Mom could sing you a spice girls song and at least name Posh. I am not yet a Mom and I cannot even think of a Fifth Harmony song or even pick one of them out of…
Alternate theory. Rob is a drug addict and acts like a drug addict. They cover that up with “oh he’s so depressed” just like they covered it up for Lamar as long as they could. They even covered for Scott until they couldn’t anymore, obviously not in the Kourtney and Kim days, but after they had kids. They are…
I like these because I think they really expose the celebrity for how vein/crazy/awesome/fun/vapid/awful/fantastic they are. You know who I think won this round of “oh my god you seem super adorable”? My vote is for Selena Gomez and Flea. Didn’t see that coming. The person who lost? My vote = Gwen Stefani.