Gotta take a gander at the next famous cock.
Gotta take a gander at the next famous cock.
Silence, peasant! Real lasagna gets bechemel, if you want ricotta go get a stouffer’s!
Buy out Jezebel. Fire everybody. Hire all men. Pay them double.
He also really really loves telling bad jokes. He really missed out on his calling as a father. ;)
Also, as someone who teaches World Religions and has seen a number of his charming and rambling interviews, the guy’s English is not that great so perhaps he didn’t get the point across as he wished.
I think there’s some real confusion going on in this article and, then not shockingly, in the comments below. In Tibetan Buddhism, any sex that’s not straight up generic sex meant for creating a new life is considered misconduct. That’s for everyone, and it’s rooted in many things, not the least of which is the idea…