Wait, vindicated by IMDB! I win all the prizes for recognizing a young Rashida Jones! What? There are none? Shit.
Wait, vindicated by IMDB! I win all the prizes for recognizing a young Rashida Jones! What? There are none? Shit.
I loved Chapelle when he was really firing and miss him greatly... but can we all agree that sometimes he hit the nail so hard in the head he shattered the entire racist structure underneath it, and sometimes he missed so badly he caused brain damage in his audience? I don't think that takes away from what he…
Also, love the observation about the parts of Sherman Oaks that are actually Van Nuys. Beverly Hills-adjacent! No, you don't live in Studio City, I'm pretty certain this is firmly Valley Village or (gasp!) Toluca Lake even...
Ha! Yes, I know I've picked it up myself after six years here, but "the industry" and "the business" used to drive me nuts too. There IS more to life than film and television... right? No? Anyone?
Undesirable? I'm just happy when potential new friends ask for my number because we should TOTALLY hang out and don't say "oh" with a little sad face (guess what's never going to happen?) when I start with 8-1-8...
818-er. I hate to burst your bubble, but I've been to a 1st birthday with an exotic petting zoo (they had a SNOW LEOPARD, for christ's sake), a 2nd birthday where kids entered via a "red carpet" with "paparazzi" taking their pictures, another with the entire (very large) grounds of a mansion carpeted in fake snow,…
I completely understand you, and also see why a lot of people don't. I also lived through a ton of tragedy and abuse and violence and crazy and all of that... it's really fun being the only one of your seven closest friends who was still alive to see their 16th birthday.
Thank you for this. "Asian" is a mighty broad brush to paint with... I admit, coming from Australia where Thai, Cambodian, Japanese, Chinese (including god knows how many individual ethnic groups) and many more "Asian" identity groups were understood and easily recognized as completely distinct and unique cultures, I…
Um... ALL white people? Can you qualify that statement just a little for those of us who DON'T vote against our interests (or arguably do, out of conscience, because we know our individual interests aren't at all in the national interest... my husband and I are - very thankfully - firmly in the stereotyped "ugh, why…
I married into Hollywood, so I could probably write a treatise on rich kids by now. Turns out some of them are brats, and some of them aren't! Some of them live in a delusional fantasy world where their imagined inheritance (likely not as big as they think it's going to be, because the delusional types tend to keep on…
I think I was saved the worst of middle-child syndrome because I was a girl sandwiched between two boys, so we all had something: first child, only girl, youngest child. But apparently I told my mother when she was pregnant with my little bro (I was 4) that if the baby was a girl I was going to move out... so clearly…
I agree with you wholeheartedly on the first part... "choice-feminism" drives me batshit mental because it is NOT my feminism to be a webcam girl (even if you enjoy it) or to wear sexy underwear, just for yourself, because "it makes you feel good." Not even a little nagging thought that it might make you feel good…
This comment is all kinds of awesome. Just saying.
Dear troll, seriously... STFU. I have friends who work on Glee and know every Lea-Michele-super-diva story there is, and there are plenty. But funny how the media hasn't picked up on the mega-jerkdom of Chord Overstreet (ha ha, I forget, he moved on to "focus on other projects." No, he was insufferable and so the…
I could use the same kind of advice. It is difficult when you are slim and people project their own insecurities onto you... I know you must think I'm lazy, I'm not healthy, I'm ugly, etc... no! Actually I don't! and even more difficult when people just put a statement out there like "well, obviously you're skinny and…
Good points all - in my experience at least, this rings true. Our culture constantly reinforces that fat = miserable, so a lot of women work awfully hard to maintain a body shape that isn't easy for many to maintain, and then they resent the happy overweight person because they're not supposed to be happy, that screws…
I honestly wonder how I escaped that. My mother has serious body image issues, despite not being overweight at all - she's on the lighter end of "normal" on the BMI scale, but I guess she can't handle weighing 140lbs at 56 when she remembers life at 115lbs at 26. I heard her talk all the time as a kid (and still hear…
I'm not the poster you replied to, but I totally understood your point - sometimes the parents are the ones setting this stuff up, and it's really hard to fight that.
Yes, Chris Christie's weight loss was DEFINITELY handled in almost exactly the same way... he must be planning to run for President! So I can't scream sexism quite as loudly as I want to here.
I want an answer to this too. Okay, I'm foreign (but still white!) and I landed in big-city Los Angeles, but it sure didn't take me long to meet a whole bunch of non-imaginary "Carls" I treasure as friends... 40% makes me want to fall over. 40%? I have no doubt there are plenty of people living in areas where there…