
I admit, when it comes to racial issues in general, I'm perhaps most curious about people who can "pass," and how they deal individually with their racial/cultural identity - with friends and family who'll talk openly and thoughtfully about it, there's such a diverse range of responses... although I admit I see a very

Yeah. It upsets me sometimes, especially when people seem to think they need to defend their own number or I'm going to judge them for it - if we're close enough that I'm telling you my number, surely you know that's not the kind of person I am...

I've never really seen male birth control as primarily an alternative to female birth control, except in cases like Meagan mentions, where women can't use hormonal birth control or IUDs for medical reasons. I wouldn't trust MY body to a man who frankly doesn't get it (and yes, I'm married to a wonderful man, we have a

I occasionally wonder about this. Mr Cat was the first person I ever slept with. This was not intentional. I had exactly zero aspirations to "purity" on the sexual front. I just met him first; we had a long-distance, on-off thing for years and I slept with one other boyfriend during that time, then basically dated a

Agreed. If you're educated about nutrition, you generally feel good, and your body works for you, chances are you're pretty damn close to the "right size" for you. BMI, the cultural imperative to be super-slim, and the bullshit "standards" that frankly just don't apply to every frame and every person be damned.

100% agree that some people are genetically programmed to be heavier, and some "naturally bigger" people are definitely healthier than some "naturally thin" people.

Oh lord, that guy was... an individual. Governments get girlfriends! Because if even my OWN MOTHER won't sleep with me (a request he'd made in front of BOTH his parents, I will never describe a family dinner as awkward ever again), I'm like a ticking time bomb that could go off and murder masses of people at any

Nothing to add to this, just seriously - brilliant post. Do you mind if I copy and paste this or memorize it for some serious schooling the next time some leery guy tells me they have the right to give a girl a compliment, jesus, they were being nice...

Yes! I had to school my dad in this. He really thinks it's a totally awesome, I bet I made-her-day thing to tell an attractive server that's she's really beautiful and he has a son who would no doubt love to date a girl as pretty as her, is she single? [let's not even mention how much this bothers my brother,

See, the narcissism/depression correlation always made a lot of sense to me. If you firmly (or even pathologically) believe you're a special flower who is better than other people, you're going to be really depressed when the real world starts to tell you otherwise - which usually happens right around the beginning of

Maybe it's because I'm married and my husband is in a position of "power" in our silly little Hollywood universe (he's a very young-for-his-position, not unattractive television producer - did somebody call SHARK WEEK, because every wannabe actress in the bar just appeared at our table) but no, screw "maybe it's

Nope, I think you're fine. Aboriginal is still current and correct, at least according to every Australian news or media organization I ever worked for; aborigine, however, is widely considered outdated and offensive. Many people choose "indigenous" over "aboriginal," but they're basically interchangeable in common

Thanks for this - I'm an Aussie, and it would never even occur to me to use "black" as a catch-all for indigenous people, both because I was explicitly taught it was offensive and because, well, plenty of the aboriginal people I know are just not black. They're light-skinned, blonde, some have green or blue eyes, and

I'm sorry you're getting flack for this comment: as an Aussie, I would also absolutely never call an indigenous person "black," and I take great pains to explain that their history and the issues Australia is still struggling with are NOT AT ALL particularly analogous to the history of African-Americans except that

I'd argue she's received leniency because California's prisons are overflowing like crazy... hence Paris Hilton's 3 months became 40 hours or something similarly stupid. For low-level offenses, rich white people with good lawyers get off really easily, because the prisons here are (in some cases, illegally!) so full

Oh, this would have been SO MUCH BETTER if they'd pulled a Kanye. Next big awards show, Taylor does some major little-girl voice "I'm a victim but I'll be strong and forgive you" ballad and Kanye did "Runaway" as the most "I am NOT apologizing, I'll be a douchebag as long as I want, I am not coming here to bow down

Please no one doxx me, but that gigantic dick Frankie Delgado is in my social circle, and I have never hated a human being more in my life. He is such a repulsive, repellent, stuck-up asshole that I truly have a visceral reaction when I walk into a room and realize he's at the party too. I hate him. And I know plenty

I was the same. I don't know if my parents did something really right or I was just a giant fraidy-cat, but I hung with a seriously wild bunch of ALL BOYS (I'm a girl, if it's not obvious) who drank like crazy, smoked pot daily and did coke whenever they could and beat people up and stole shit and had tons of casual

Hi! Feminist right here. I'm a totally average suburban wife and mother with a cute house, a cute toddler and a cute dog. I worked full-time until we had our son and now I work from home, because we still need my income but my job allows for far more flexibility than my husband's.

Absolutely. NZ has wide variations in regional accents, as does Australia... as an Aussie, I can generally pick where another Aussie is from VERY quickly just by the way they speak. In a city like Sydney, you quickly learn to pick even Eastern Suburbs/North Shore/Inner West/Outer West etc... I could do that within my