
I just noticed Jez is following me now. I will be phasing through all the categories as I get my drunk on tonight in celebration :)

I was really hating my job until I read about the poor woman who has to charge a 10 year olds cell phone to exactly 99%.

The fact the second one didn't punch the catcher in the back of the head is really impressive. Almost as impressive as how far she flew.

A League of They’re Owned

It certainly would not! It’s very brag-worthy! I read IMPORTANT books and buy HIGH END bath products. I am a very SOPHISTICATED person.


Slow news day?

Correction, Kara, we're about to elect an ENTIRE STATE BALLOT of whackadoos. I mourn for my great state.

All the racists on the Internet must have the weirdest boner right now.

☐ not rekt ☑ rekt

At least they don't need to redesign the logo

My coworkers are wondering why I'm spitting out coffee.