I can only imagine how much cocaine one has to cram up their butt to make shit like this fun.
Is this coming through?
I busted out a gutteral laugh so loud it sounded more like this:
I am a defense attorney and you are 100% correct. His attorney has an obligation to provide a full and professional defense. Anything else, like this social media garbage, is not required and reveals the person to be opportunistic garbage. My job is to defend my client against the legal charges in court. Not serve…
Please let this election end already. It just feels so weird rooting for Megyn Kelly for something.
“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”
Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.
So if you’re an unwavering JoPa supporter, do you:
Holy shit!
Rubbin’s Racin’
You’re damn right. It’s a Sunday night and some of us need a good laugh/wince/sympathetic groan before the upcoming week.
Why is there a picture of Gérard Depardieu?
Why is there a picture of Gérard Depardieu?
Truth. My grandparents died a week apart and left a shitstorm of a will. As I read it, I saw they’d evenly distributed a percentage of their estate representing a couple million dollars among the small handful of grandkids, establishing trust funds we would inherit when we turned 35. Very generous and very fair.
Sure. She COULD have done that. But ballers gonna ball.
You know what we would do in high school if someone sat on the other side of the field and wore the color of our cross-town rivals of 50+ years (which we won last night by 33 points)?
Clear eyes, full hearts, fuck that guy, right?!
Not to be over dramatic, but that is nothing short of assault.
I just noticed Jez is following me now. I will be phasing through all the categories as I get my drunk on tonight in celebration :)