
you do know Brian Kilmeade isn’t in the above picture right?

its amazing articles like this that make me pissed that Denton wants to turn this place into a pop culture website and stop articles like this from being made

and you don’t think they are parodying transphobia in this movie?

wow another white man attacking a women and completely disregarding her opinions, jesus is today. evil white man day? it sure seems like it

its my second language, sort of have a hard time getting the right words and the right spellings for the words i want. But i was being sarcastic to your comment that Jezebel is some sort of horribly anti-progressive place

shhhh, don’t expect logic from these people

they were considered hot 15 years ago, plus the woman co-star was Stiller’s wife in the first one, so the attractiveness was pretty even

1000% agree, Everyone on Jezebel is so goddamn transaphobic and racist and hate women

tone0deaf Oscar speech? i never heard anything about it, surprised there wasn’t an article on it at Jezebel

And the movie, itself, doesn’t let the character get away with this. He is called out several times for his absurdity.

well heres the thing. these girls should be allowed to join the boy scouts because only women deserve spaces reserved for only one gender, boys don’t. Every true Feminist knows that. I mean isn’t that the deifintion of equality? women getting to join both girls only and boys only organizations and boys killing

the girl scouts allow boys if they want to. My Uncle wasn’t allowed to join though, for some sad reason

it really is a bit of a dilema, but from a main standpoint. by only limiting yourself to having trans people play trans characters, you are going to only have .2% of the population to chose from. and i think even trans rights activists can admit, there are very few who are as good of actors as Jard Leto or Glen Close

ironically no one protested Tropic Thunder and one of its leads was in blackface the entire time

ironically, Ben Stiller already made a movie featuring blackface that everyone loves. Tropic Thunder is a classic.

according to Joe Biden, yes

seinfeld was made over 30 years ago. Also for someone that got wet from the idea that an extra was wearing a hijab, you completely shifted the goalposts.

well you are clearly lying, all true feminists know men don’t actually suffer. Men that say they do are just whiny crybabies who should toughen up. They are just exaggerating any abuse they suffered. According to those men that cry about being “abused” (ha!) they think people not agreeing with them about everything is

she was an extra not a character in a tv show. You are making the appearance of a seat filer like shes fucking Maude.

um, have you been watching the last year? the cast seem to hang everyone out to dry. every episode of the last 2 seasons could be considered “another of the really bad ones”