
As I’ve said in the Deadspin/Concourse comments several times at this point: if you truly have nothing to lose in this election, congratulations on your extreme privilege. The rest of us will vote based on what’s at stake for us. (that’s targeted toward the bs in that post, not you, to clarify)

Bros, you are not too cool to vote. Bros.

I voted for Clinton the Working Families ticket. Because, as this viral twete puts it,

To be fair, Donald’s not very good at how the democratic process actually works.

Hideous men = beautiful.


I’m terrified either way. The nightmare won’t end if and when he loses.

Damn. I remember how mad I was when my sister died and everyone was just like “you healin?” No. no. No! I almost refused to heal because everyone was pushing it on me heal, heal, heal. I was (still am) so hurt and I just wanted to be allowed to be hurt. We need to allow people to have those shit feelings for as long

My SIL’s dad died about 4 years ago, & I been at a loss on how to talk with her about it. We have been friends since high school and I was the one who got her and my brother together. She has mentioned that she had to get counseling after her dad died, because she was having panic attacks. Her dad had a dry, biting

When my ex decided to call off our wedding with zero warning, you wouldn’t believe the shit people said to me. Here was the worst:

I lost my husband to melanoma 4.5 years ago. He had just turned 50, and I was 10 years younger. I am better now, and even got extremely lucky in finding a rather amazing, patient love again 8 months ago, but I am still a mess in spots.

“God has a plan” is another one i hate. I know it (usually) comes from a good place, of wanting to help someone find some meaning when their loved ones are taken from them. For me, despite being Christian ( just not very loud about it) and beliving in God and Jesus, I did not want to hear that right after my father

Bless him for telling the truth. The euphemisms around death are are not helpful. They’re insipid.

It’s only fair because every time a guy votes for another dude we always say he’s just voting with his dick!!

I was talking to my mother this morning - she’s 70 and never worked in a large corporate setting. I work at a large bank in a technology area and my team that started off 50-50 men/women is now 1 woman (me) and 6 men. The change was due to two women leaving and their replacements being men plus additional hires -

It’s almost as if harassment and intimidation are an integral part of his campaign.

This would be so very helpful.

This has been their modus operandi for most of my adult life.

The DNC is really doing everything it can to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

There are a lot of idiots involved in politics. This is not a good look for Hillary, given that Trump has already painted her as “Crooked”.