Allerigic To Crunchy

Your creative writing teacher is completely off base. One of the best books I’ve ever read began as a normal chick-lit soft read—a busy woman fretting over her weight. love life, and careerand half way through another character confronts her about her anorexia. All the little “always feel fat” and “great workout

My old creative writing professor always insisted that there was no such thing as spoilers — that if a book or movie was genuinely good, you could know exactly what happens and it would still be an excellent read/watch.

Mandatory (reversible) vasectomies for all men when they reach sexual maturity. No exceptions. You can get it reversed when you show you and emotionally and financially mature enough to handle being a dad.

Tino’s only, like, 45, though. 

Jordan Catalano is 50!!!

How dare you make light of this very painful personal issue that’s being played out over social media.

These fucking people are just like anti-abortionists: they think that if some people don’t have kids, then everyone will not have kids and the downfall of civilization will commence.

“It seems that a lot of people have lost the wish to have children. Lots of couples prefer to remain childless or to have one child only,” he added. “It’s a tragedy … which runs counter to our families, our country and our future.” -Man Who Will Never Bear the Burden of Having Children or Even a Romantic Relationship

So much for Cuffe-ing Season.

It’s a demonstration of how quickly people who are deep in their own prejudices can jettison their previous stances when they hear anything inconvenient. They’ll proceed to grasp at any straws to keep their own misguided beliefs afloat.

Cults will always turn on Glorious Leader if Glorious Leader wavers in the principles that Glorious Leader taught them.

the best part of Amanda’s storyline is Jude Law’s character and performance.

I’m a huge Kate Winslet fan and this movie just proves how she can be brilliant in literally anything (even the dreadful Wonder Wheel). The scene at the beginning where she find out Jasper is engaged and she quietly conveys her absolute devastation and heartbreak gets me every time.

Dude. Didn’t she see that automatic shade/curtain system?? I’d be bed dancing as well. I STILL fantasize about getting a set-up like that one day.

But also incredibly hopeful.  It spends most of its run time an an anti-rom-com then doubles back at the very end.

She was dancing to Jet’s Are You Gonna Be My Girl, which was an inescapable hit song 3 years before the movie premiered (and not some generic girl-power music, whatever the worth of the song itself)

I love this movie. It’s the only annual holiday movie I’ve watched so far this year and I was hoping I’d see this article after seeing it last weekend.

A movie doesn’t need to be constantly flinging action/drama/comedy/romance at the screen to be good. Many very good movies take moments to relax and take a breath. At least, they used to. Now if there isn’t a cut every 1.5 seconds people start to think something is wrong.

it can’t be overstated - there is some seriously good knitwear in this movie. Like, beyond cozy.

Somehow I completely missed this movie when it came out. I’m going to have to find it streaming somewhere.