Allerigic To Crunchy

It is the Miracle of the Gnawed-on Pancakes and the Eternal-Mystery Meat Patties. The person holding the plate might have had leprosy and now is cured, or might have been blind but now can see the Sacred Gnawed-on Pancakes and the Eternal-Mystery Meat Patty. Or might have even been raised from the dead to witness the

Church fundraising meals should be prepared by old ladies and cost no more than $12.  

Non-recycle-able plate - 0/10 for plating.

This is the only correct take. To quote Forest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does."

Yeah, at this point you really do deserve exactly what you get coming to you.

And just like Fyre fest, I have no sympathy for those who were swindled.

Kanye West’s brunch = Fyrefest 2.0 what is this shit

If you still support Kanye West you deserve to be swindled out of your money while the rest of us laugh at your misfortune.

Agreed 100% on all of the above.

Trying so hard to push tears out that she looks like she’s going to shit herself.

And yet.... no tears come.

She hasn’t cried or even closed her eyes since he brought her home from the Stepford factory. 

It will be then, that I will finally attend Burning Man. 

Never forget.

I’d hire the Rockettes to do their entire Christmas Special atop the dirt pile covering his corpse. The Seattle Mens Chorus will provide the soundtrack and the fireworks are going to be epic.

The performative grief is going to be a wonder to behold. Sure Reagan was a monster, but I don’t think anyone doubted that Nancy truly loved him. Melanie is going to try to do her best Jackie O and I’m sure they’ll trot out Baron and the grandkids in an attempt for sympathy. But at the end of the day no one loves him

Sometimes I think Laura Benanti’s imitation of Melania’s expression is too OTT. Then I see a picture like the one at the top here, and think, “nope, spot on.”

I don’t spend much time thinking about Melania, because “eww”, but it just occurred to me that I’ve never seen her express emotion. I mean at all. I know the botox and plastic surgery are part of it, but seriously, has anyone seen her express ANY emotion, other than a vague tiny smile? Are we sure she’s not a robot?

The sane ones among us would dance on his grave.

To him, marriage is a transaction and nothing more. He lacks the empathy and humility to understand that his point of view on marriage is not the norm, because people outside of Donald Trump aren’t really real to him.