Allen Wren

Nadler's a winner in general. Her latest record is top-to-bottom fantastic. Would love to see her on Undercover, actually, she's put a few covers up on soundcloud, and they're great, too.

I can't even tell anymore. They go away, they come back, I can't figure out how to connect disqus to my avc account, it's still a gigantic clusterfuck, just like it's been ever since disqus came to the avclub

I honestly had been wondering since 1992 or so what the fuck that word was. It's maroon. Holy shit, thank you.

I was ready to go in on this until this trailer, specifically the very end of it. If the actors aren't performing the songs themselves and they're just dubbing in studio versions, it's not going to work. These bands, like most bands, sounded way different live.