Holy crap.... now I can’t unsee it.....
Holy crap.... now I can’t unsee it.....
Please tell me some creative sleezeball has a strip club in either of those cities known as “Kansas Titties.”
Truly a glitch. Seattle always passes from the one-yard line.
“Vikings fans travel about as well as Buddy Holly.” - line of the series imo.
How to win the Ghetto Lottery:
1. Be Black
2. Resist or refuse a lawful command from a police officer
3. ????
4. Profit
All religious events should be off limits. Weddings, funerals, baptism, bar-mitzvah, etc.
No, not cool. Weddings are off limits.
Because the Wii U was trash and you can just bring your Switch around and play against others using your own system. The 3DS also allowed that but the screen is so tiny and the system is so uncomfortable to hold that it sucked.
People own the switch.
Uh, he not only has a gun, but pulls it out while running and has it in his hand. As far back as ‘97, I believe, the Federal Appeals Court ruled that a suspect fleeing with a gun in their hand constitutes an imminent threat and can be shot in the back legally. Mainly due to fleeing with a drawn gun and not complying…
no, he was shot for running with a GUN!! who knows what his intentions were. Officers did everything right here. the guy was warned, he was told to drop the gun and stop. He chose not to. Yes, this is enough to use deadly force.
Maybe the cops once the guy pulled his gun while he was running? Maybe those guys? Are you blind or just refusing to see what happened in that video because you want to fit in here....
Citizens sitting on a curb with a bottle off alcohol (gin?) with the butt of a gun sticking out of their pockets need to be trained to comply with lawful orders, not flee, then actually pull their gun.
This is clearly a conspiracy by Big Toilet Paper
Perhaps, but it’s hard to feel sympathy for the guy who is staring down his list of charges.
No, that would require talent.
Lock this abomination up already. jfc