
The Academia de la Lengua is so, so very wrong...

The Academia de la Lengua says we speak the same thing, but no, the pain says another thing. 

As a mexican movie fan i just hate the translations, i’ll always prefer to see the original with subtitles, because there’s always something that gets lost with translation. No matter where the movie comes from it’s always better to listen to the original.

That one might take a few billion years.

Point conceded. ‘Very difficult to develop immunity to, and likely won’t’ doesn’t roll off the tongue as readily.

God, you’re too young to remember thalidomide, aren’t you? God, the ignorance of you idiots is going to kill us all.

I never said it would, only joked about by him trying to do business here we might not be banned.... With that said, last time he did, he got fucked and lost money.. I believe he tried suing and got no where.. Hopefully it happens again, it’ll cause some laughs

“Did he do that weird twist thing with you too?”

Nigeria? Middle East?
Geography fail

I can’t tell if you’re joking or not. Just in case you’re not, I feel compelled to point out that Nigeria is in West Africa and is, in fact, definitely not in the middle east.

 was taken in Nigeria, a Middle East country.

Depends on where he parks. Pedestrian deaths are through the roof.

Everyone should unionize, instead of being demonized.

You seem triggered, snowflake. Care for a juice box and a quiet place to sit?

Weird that the House Committee on Space, Science, and Technology only has one twitter account.

If my kid was going to get both hookers and blow with $100, I too would, as a parent, be worried about the quality of both coke and prostitute. Did he offer to match your funds, or did he just slip you a condom and some epinephrine?

“Lets make the facts louder than the opinions.”

“I immediately realized something was different by the shape > of the box and I contemplated who would be sending me something in the > square shaped box. Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it > was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses

your overthinking it they will bring the cost down so regular people will by them.