
The counterpoint is you vastly simplify a large number of government programs with basically no need for oversight/infrastructure, which opens a lot more money up for programs targeted towards people who need it rather than the larger and more complex (and administratively expensive) programs now.

UBI would need universal health care to really work, and UBI + UHC would need to replace all entitlement & welfare programs out there. UBI + UHC would replace social security, welfare, food stamps, medicare, medicaid, etc. The idea being that everyone would receive some benefits, and people without any income would

So you know that running gag in movies and film about kids spanking it to the underwear section in their mom’s Sears catalog? I didn’t quite get what these films were alluding to, so I tried fucking a rolled up, glossy department store catalog when I was like 11.

ed. I’d just like to add that I tried this a few times


Yeah, I joke about my Irish-Puerto Rican background by referring to myself as a “Mick-Spic.” I am sucker for rhymes....

All fun and games until somebody pulls a bikini string and is charged with sexual assault.

Younger me: Would be nice to hit them white girls up. But risks of wrongful imprisonment is too great.

I didn’t misread it and I agree that artistic traditions are worth saving. But on the other hand, according to him, no one young is going into this field and the entire art is in danger of dying out.

I was just being pragmatic. By coming up with designs that are more modern he will not only make purchasing the candy

You got me. I fed the troll. And I’m doing it again right now. But just know that any response you send from this point on will be deleted unread.

Wow. Just wow. Did this really go that far over your head?

Another win for Indiana’s Parks department

That’s an awfully specific combination of conditions and i must admit that I’ve never met anyone with that combination, so i can’t say if it’d happen.

Somebody sent me that facebook post recently: “Cannabis found to kill cancer cells in a test tube!” My verbatim response? “So do hydrofluoric acid and butane torches. Doesn’t make them treatments.”

They’d still talk with way more conviction and are way more likely to be a danger to nobody but themselves, but i get your point.

I love how everyone commenting is suddenly an expert in speech patterns, videography, hostage situations, sound-proofing and behavioral science.

Don’t some insurers cover acupuncture?

Not really: Justice Officer, in Brazil (I believe there’s not a proper equivalent in the American Legal system. Think about an officer, a governamental employee, who doesn’t do patrols or investigations, just execute specific Court orders from one or more judges in their jurisdictions: process serving, summonings,

The responsibility mostly is on the doc, but if they’re billing improperly, the patient could be on the hook for stuff the doc told them was covered that turns out to not be. Patients have some responsibility to participate in their care. If a doc is billing insurance or Medicare for treatments that haven’t been

Spider-bloke, Spider-bloke, kills you with the softest poke.