
Um, yeah, that’s exactly the point, so that when people ask what it is greater than, i can just say “everything”.

For me facts matter more than anything, not just opinion.

After watching this I want to get a tattoo that says “facts>”

Because that’s why we give up our right to violence and pay tax. We give up certain freedoms and a portion of our livelihood so that the government may fund projects that will eventually yield results that will benefit mankind. Sometimes those projects reach a dead end, sometimes they cure polio.

Pros operate on a whole nother level, time schedule and mode than opportunists. Criminologist with a gonzo past here, haha.

The op was funny, but after reading this... Can I please squeeze your throat until you are rendered incapable of more puns? PLEASE!?

What does the tea party represent for you? Tell me exactly what it is you believe. You keep arguing about what it is not, but wouldn’t it be easier to say the existing positives?

Please enlighten us. (totally not being sarcastic, even if there’s snark. I am not what you’re probably thinking I am politically.)

While I won’t argue they are fuckers, the proportions are all wrong. A big ass ceo salary usually is much less than 10 percent of total payroll. Remember, if the ceo is making millions, the company nominally should be making a buttload.

I had to scan it a couple time before seeing the [sic], hahahaha.

I’ve never understood why most communist ideologies go with isolationism. Communism and capitalism don’t need to be mutually exclusive, specially when you recalibrate to communal manufacturing instead of central planning.

Except the popular vote says otherwise?

If you gave a 90 dollar hoodie to Elliot he’d autoreplace your name with “evil corp drone”.

Your writing and chosen adjectives makes me think you’d be such a SWELL and sympathetic friend...

I am assuming this is satire by the last line?

No. There are thing that are undeniably more valid than others. Tolerance will always be more valid than hate. Fact will always be more valid than conjecture.

I’ll admit I was thinking how to respond for 5 minutes before realizing you were making a supporting argument.

These last few days have been... weird. I’m in a place where I KNOW we’ll be the first victims of trump. (I will never capitalize that asshole’s name.)

Judging by the fact they elected TRump, no, the parents don’t know shit.

Yes, but equally worse. And it’s mostly due to republican voting against funding. Imagine if places that want to disenfranchise black voters get to decide which neighborhoods get school funds?

One of the forgotten precepts of capitalism was a living wage. Too bad that was never the plan, just the selling point. :-P

Not even necessarily a job. You have any idea the type or creativity and innovation, on all fields, that would take place if people didn’t need to worry about sustenance? The great plague an post-little ice age thaw permitted the renaissance to happen, remember!