
Whats this from?

Thanks. This makes more sense. It's a tough deal because who can or would help them? Would they accept it?

Well, I live in NYC and I've seen behavior like this on the subways from people who obviously weren't tourists.

Again...says the person who grew up in a developed country.

Says the person who grew up in a developed country? Open your eyes, idiot.

Interesting. Thank you for your input.

How much, would you say, is the poverty and lack of education? And how much other factors? I am genuinely curious.

I had to finally stop going to a Trek fan site because of the appalling comments that 1) the asshats chose to make at me for daring the criticize the JJ'verse 2) were allowed by the owner who refused to moderate the site or hire a moderator. I came here to Gakwer and haven't been happier because people who want to

Yeah, she made no attempts at culture cred here. She said it was a good experience. I cant say she's the person I would turn to if I wanted to know if she was a grownup, considering her priveleged status and this whole rebranding masquerading itself as some kind of personal evolution, but this one time, no I don't see

This may surprise you, but there is a bigger scheme of right wrong in the world other than procuring things to entertain yourself. Checkers is a game. Chess is a game. GTA shows, in graphic and realistic detail, criiminal situaitons and shooting people. There is no context that could be provided for a ten year old!

I think it's really important that we look at how these games are marketed. It's no coincidence that ten year olds aren't clamoring for the latest and greatest crime novels, for instance. The FCC or some similar body needs to do exactly what was done to the tobacco industry and tear the lid off how these things are

You're out of your mind. What ten year old should be allowed to play GTA games? Under what conditions would this be acceptable?

I have a soft spot in my heart for that show. It takes some skill to make something kids think is serious and adults think is comedy. Working something on multiple levels is subtlety and craft that Zack Synder and David Goyer might consider trying to emulate a little.

Thinkin' a little diversity training might be good for this studio. That African American character looked like he was straight out of a banned Bugs Bunny cartoon I saw once. And the voice acting? Come on, man.

God. Reeks of "makreting department with new initiative to appeal to aging fans and the snarky hipsters who think they're all stupid anyway."

No, despite your whining, the original question here is whether or not it is ethical to mock an event where lives were lost. Could be any event, but it happened to be 9/11. That is the question. And the answer is: It is not. Period.

Get the fuck out of here with your lecture. You have no idea about human nature. What are you? 23? What have you done in life besides screw and eat? Anything?

Arma games are the deepest, most realistic games out there. No one touches them in terms of depth and customization. There's bound to be glitchiness and silly stuff. I spent the entire first game flying planes under the bridges and trying crazy crap out. That's why they exist.

No, you don't see it. That's true. You're absolutely clueless about your own arrogance.

The last place I'm going to go looking for wisdom is from some jerk who hates my country and wants to lecture me on the anniversary of the death of people I cared about. If you were capable of it, you should be ashamed of your arrogance.