
Really. Jesus Christ. As if Kate Dries or any of the posters here could possibly even name a thing John XXIII did or said. And we are attacked for our intolerance.

Well, I think you can just as easily leave out all the "reality baiting" going on in these books. All the mumbo jumbo they use is not real anyway. The game/comic/genre industry will keep vying for it's supposed "reality" because that's what sells, but it is demonizing people and that's just wrong, like it is

I know the psychs who write about this all the time have a treasure trove. Arkham itself is a commercial for bias against the mentally ill as far as I can see

I think there are many references in the comics, films and cartoons to criminals being "criminally insane," "psychotic", etc. Had you asked me, before my work, who someone was who was criminally insane, my images would have been informed by Bats and other genre images. I think it sets the uninformed fans at a default

You're welcome. You deserve support and understanding and I sincerely hope you are receiving it from loved ones, friends and your community.

Thanks guys. One of the casualties of the "Comic Book Heroes So Real You Can Taste Them" trend is the way the mentally ill are focused on and demonized. I am a hospital chaplain and have worked in Criminal Psych and, though I have been in the presence of some really scary, off the chain people before they received

Being twenty plus years older than the "Entitlement" writer and hearing "my whole life" is a little weird for me...but, anyway.

What makes this super slick, well callobrated mash-up any different than the gazillion, now en vogue, genre fusions we see in fine art paintings and plush dolls( saw the Tawn Tawn the other day) that are being produced by people wanting to cash in? Consumerism is going to put that ironic, yet empty celebration of Star

Thanks. Same to you. I wish you all the best.

Thanks so much! I am informed and appalled!

Regarding JLO, I would love to hear from anyone in the PR world who would confirm how these "apology" strategies work? Do they really think people are that stupid? Or...are we that stupid?

I'm so glad. Your compliment gave me hope, too! Yes, religion was always in the undercurrent of my life and now its the main current, I guess.

I realize I am steeping way out of bounds as a guy, but wanted to throw in my 2 cents. If my view isn't welcome, please dismiss and I won't be offended.

Actually, Cameron's "religious" views conflict with Santorum's "religious" views on a number of points, so a team up is unikely. My skin crawls at the thought of either of them telling anyone what to believe.

That's what she tweeted? I'm about to go on a rant, too. That's some vapid shit to say after the death of a friend. Lord.

Me too. I suppose I am a little too used to hearing guys refer to each other as queens to have that one register as out of bounds, though I guess consensus is that it was, but the violent image and the liking it? I thought that was way more demeaning and offensive thing...from my relatively clueless POV.

Boy would I suck at this.

Guess I'm in a minority here, but I think Garfunkel and Oates always pick the low hanging fruit and aren't all that clever about it. The NYC music/comedy scene has many that are funnier and not so bitchy.

Actual God, as opposed to Bachman's "Holy God," inspired a story of human love and the strength of a union that could withstand even being expelled from Paradise, without a mention of limiting that love to any group.

Was thinking the same thing. Pretty sure she has gone rogue and is ignoring their advice.