It’s largely an issue of narration through the close point of view of Harry.
It’s largely an issue of narration through the close point of view of Harry.
So she’s only EIGHT years older than I?! But she seems so OLD! (She doesn’t look old, but she seems old, if that makes any sense.) I guess being around since you were 12-ish can do that!
It DOES NOT feel like it’s only been one year since Hiddleswift. Not even a year since that stunt continued for a couple of months after that. It seems more like five years. Maybe more.
Are you telling me she sang that Titanic song when she was only 29? Get the fuck out of here!
Hmm I see your point but I’m inclined to believe that last year’s festivities were 95% professional photoshoot and 5% actual fun. Everything was SO staged. I bet there were contracts.
I’m devastated about the lack of Taymerica photoshoots this year. Devastated.
“He did not get any sun,” Murray added. “He had a baseball hat on.”
The uber rich, police commissioners, journalists...this shit sounds like a party at Wayne Manor. How come the Joker never crashes these types of events IRL?
Who among us hasn’t ended up at the same party as a Koch brother and awful person Kushner?
I just read this on the NYT site, and jumped over here. Are you effing kidding me? This is the president of the United States? Just when I think nothing could shock anymore, the vulgarity, the crassness, and violence reach new and more degraded lows. I’m so embarrassed for all of us.
This is the “leader of the free world” and the head of the world’s strongest Armed Forces sharing a gif about beating the shit out of someone because he doesn’t like the nasty words they say about him.
They flat out have been unable or unwilling to hire enough people to run the place. They’re trapped in a paranoia cycle where their own reluctance to hire anyone not personally loyal has limited their options until long after the time when people were willing to take the job and give things a chance. Coupled with…
According to a report from Politico, it appears that the Trump administration has abandoned the White House Council on Women and Girls.
I hope whenever Trump dies (please god, soon), the hell he’s certainly destined for is literally just being held down by 100 women while they period all over him, pointing and laughing.
He reminds me a LOT of my father, who has treatment-resistant bipolar disorder and narsisstic personality disorder. I think when Trump was running his own company and and relatively isolated rich guy his mental health issues just didn’t come out as much. It’s probably also exacerbated by the stress of suddenly having…
I think he has some form of dementia. If you compare interviews he’s done in the past his vocabulary was larger and there was way less word soup. There is something physically wrong with him. It doesn’t excuse his attitude toward women.
Yeah, I knew what I was getting. That’s why I voted against the sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, incestual, paranoid, idiotic, treasonous, poorphobic, greedy, eduphobic, evil, climate denying shit pile.
Home prices may be affected by her commentary, but that’s not the legal argument Zillow is making. They took the lazy route thinking they could scare her. Most site owners don’t fight infringement claims.