
RIP their orchards =(

lol @ that troll trying so hard copypasting so many times in the greys

guy’s a troll angling for a Fox/Breitbart appearance/gig.

do this all the time but you gotta watch it otherwise stovetop gets even spatteryer

omg gwen pls y

I really hope there’s some way to hit the bastards where it hurts WITHOUT disruption of city services to the thousands of innocent citizens.

this is almost verbatim the rationale+summary my buddy gives for not having seen it/them.

“Women asking random men for sex get a 60-80% plus response in the positive”

This is far from Trump’s first paid-off abortion. Probably what he was referring to when he made his “shoot somebody and not lose any voters” crack.

is it the R? i feel like it’s the R.

not a fan, but wearing my macfarlane logo sweater today

naw man, half a kilo per serving

back in middle school maybe, but youre supposed to outgrow that mess yo

I was shocked and appalled the first time I witnessed my wife order a dog with mayo on it—and have since seen her refused service at least once here in Chicago. But she tells me that’s how they do it back home (Mexico City): mayo, ketchup, jalapenos, chopped tomato+onion, mustard, avocado.

BlackHarvardMan, your reply is so asinine and off-base that it’s not even worth bringing out of the greys. This BrownPrincetonMan thinks maybe you should check into getting a refund on your education if it’s not too late.

No, it’s just that you need to learn how to write better, because the first sentence of your original reply doesn’t say what you think it does.

I have both looked at and experienced it from the oppressed perspective (male POC, common name in big city so lots of mistaken identity [show me your tattoos]) and I empathize with your grief and I don’t blame your survival instinct response AND I agree that there’s far too much protect-your-own bullshit that policing

I wonder how you know he knows which are bad and how to deal with that.

Sure, and who’s to say that hasn’t happened? OP implies it hasn’t.

Granted I have never gone on ride-alongs with them, so I don’t have that perspective, but tell me you don’t have people in your family that you know are shitty people sight unseen of how they interact with non-family.