
are you doing the #allnon-Blackpeople thing ironically or for real

pff hundreds

how exactly did they automate it

no their spelling it rite. my sikology teacher tole us that.

“Hey Kyle:

but what about ppl who get off on these genetically tormented boutique pets

700+ hrs must mean something different to you

were her reasons fear- or logic- based

Fuck me, I’ve been reading Joravsky and Margasak’s stuff for years and that’s all they make at the Reader? I feel guilty.

id think its a lot easier to say something like that than put your hands around someones throat

waiting for the followup story on what malware devs add later

howabout, a wilted corsage of disdain

weird that threatening to kill (words) is even higher than that

that face... i can never seem to recognize leto. more than once the credits rolled and i was like, dang that was him?

meh. call me when the literal cannibalism starts.

lol do you own a smartphone


have you ever had your hands full
