
Does it split along smoker/non-smoker lines? I made it out after a second or two.

Wait, what’s this about Janet Weiss? Sleater-Kinney Janet Weiss?

since there’s no kinja PM feature i’ll leave this here:

It will be a sad, sad day if Adrian Beltre ever does something truly horrible as star athletes are wont.

lost it when i scrolled and saw the gif

Fucking Christ, if they know what Celiac disease is then you at least give them the benefit of the doubt, not secretly poison them.

was hoping for a beltre head-touch but then again i cant stand the sight of blood


that most mexicans don’t give two shits about

dibs on Nascent Jowls for my mid-life crisis band name

literally so many feels

i’ll never forgive myself for passing on the opportunity outside the Metro

Life imitates reddit?

+1 belt clip accessory

The worst life lesson I ever taught my daughter was getting her a dog to teach her responsibility.

more than half of that is /thathappened

I kept it installed but unplayed for a long while and saw the very regular updates. It’s extremely impressive how much work and devotion has gone into it.

so confused, so dumb

I like Zomboid but it’s a tad too slow for me. I prefer the mid/end-game pace of 7 Days to Die where you can spend 6 of the cycle relatively placidly.