
Yes we do:

ago not again


Big city suburban ones (like mine) are usually pretty great.

Christ, people. Use your libraries; you’re already paying for them.

looking forward to the mra/neckbeard tears, i mean, rants

another example of “there’s no such thing as rape culture”

This will be epically bad.

No, you were right the first time. There are plenty of examples of fetishized animals and chimeras. OP is rigid-thinking.

Good thing things kids don’t understand never affect them.

cool story bro

It’s the anti-

+1 workplace sexual harassment anecdote

Perfect description of Walsh. His radio show is execrable; I listen to it on my commute when NPR does pledge drives.

“The characters weren’t likable” is another asinine criticism.

Clicked “load more” couple times, didn’t see anyone point out this list is according to some company, not any kind of reputable demographic source like the Social Security Administration. Y’know, like the govt agency in this country that actually records the names of real people.

Have one; hardly use it. I do use my slappychoppy thing when I need to do a whole bulb (we luv garlic). The press is a pain to clean up for the low volume it handles.

Have one; hardly use it. I do use my slappychoppy thing when I need to do a whole bulb (we luv garlic). The press is

“Illicit” sympathy? No, that’s Rahm Emanuel dry-tearing about the shooting video he covered up before his re-election. One prob’ly wants to elicit sympathy.

Renters pay property [tax] too, just indirectly.

his dry tearing made me dry heaving