
Well, technically without Xerox, but same diff, I guess. They did consistently up the ante, design-wise, for which we can be greatful.

I read it as more her calling out the guy who said "our Jewish problem" - but I have a very sarcastic sense of humour, which I will apparently be fired for, eventually.

Who do you think watches HGTV? Where do you think the public pressure was coming from? Perhaps homosexual viewers? Or viewers with homosexual friends? Or viewers who think homosexuals aren't really morally evil or whatever.

I'm looking forward to Nymeria returning in a blaze of glory at an appropriately climactic moment.

And then they just all went back? Although that actually makes sense for an undead, frozen army which consumes no resources (presumably).

Yeah, I was thinking that too, but he suddenly looked a lot older… Wasn't he a fairly young kid during that battle where Cersei almost poisoned him?

Baelish has really upped his creepy game since last season.

Where is Locke from? The bandits who captured Arya and baby Baratheon?

Yeah… Did they seem oddly more close in age in that scene than they should be? I thought Tommen was a little boy at the battle of King's Landing, but he looked pretty old tonight.

Was he a character before tonight? I thought he said he got there because he killed a partridge for his family…

I hope he's not. He didn't ask her to bring Sansa *back*, only to bring her somewhere safe. I'm pretty sure she knows that King's Landing is not a safe place for Sansa.

I seem to recall there were a lot more of them than would be needed to kill the Night's Watchment at the Fist, but I could be remembering wrong. I sort of had the impression they were just headed South in general, but then they would have reached Westeros by now…

No, I agree. I actually thought this episode was more interesting than last week's, but then I tend to enjoy world-building more than action sequences. I would much rather see limited and infrequent CGI depicting symbolically important moments than a bunch of unimportant but flashy effects every episode. If I wanted

That game actually sounds fun. I may be irregularly rule oriented.

I had some the other day. They were delicious. Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside. Like 90% of delicious snacks.