
“Get out of my uterus” is my battle cry, too. HEY CHRISSY WE’RE THE SAME.

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

I love you for knowing this. I have my morbid fascinations too and they are mostly reading quiver full family blogs. If you REALLY want to gag let me know and I'll link you to the WORST WORST WORST one

Meh. I’ve had annoying meals like that before. And honestly by #4 I would have said don’t bother because I couldn’t trust it at that point. It doesn’t seem ridiculous to want cooked eggs that are still warm on toasted english muffins.

Really, Nicki? So much problematic here. You’re going to go after other women for having plastic surgery to change their bodies? And women staying with abusers is “weakness”? Guess they should just be stronger, huh?

Wow. Could this article be written any more classless and cruel. Nice work.

Demi Lovato flicked my vagina.

Are we going to ignore that the woman who accused him is a notorious liar. Has accused others of abused and every time has sued them for tens of thousands of dollars for “damages.” And when this “incident” happened and he “beat her up” with damages including a broken nose, they were at a film festival taking several

She proceeds to explain to him that only a hamburger contains meat, and that a cheeseburger is vegetarian. She says she knows this because she has been to McDonald’s in London literally *hundreds* of times in the last few years, and that a cheeseburger is always vegetarian when she orders one!

Only if there is a God who loves us and wants us to be happy.

Dude I laughed at the Mindy joke.

She’s realized it a crueller world out there for a brat.

Am I the only one who thinks this woman is a superficial opportunist who just wants to be relevant? Yeah, I know, I’m being sacrilegious with a new icon. But still, this woman was married to a vapid socialite for 20 years and starred on the most idiotic, dumbed down television show in the history of global media.

1. you had better be talking about the gorilla and not the dude, cause that’s rude

cis hetero men are afraid of gay men because they believe gay men will treat them the way they treat women. cis hetero men are afraid of gay men because they believe gay men will treat them the way they treat women. cis hetero men are afraid of gay men because they believe gay men will treat them the way they treat

Ah yes, I remember how readers of this particular site showed their true colors the first time Jezebel reported on this.

This is about my twin sister. First day of school, she was in second grade. A boy named Ricky started picking on her. Pulling at her hair, slapping, kicking and terrorizing her. She was scared but nobody did anything. The teacher just told Ricky to stop it but he continued. He was big and an asshole. He grabbed her

So, when I was in kindergarten, I wasn’t allowed to carry an umbrella on the bus.