

Not really directed at you but the topic in general... does the author of get a “click” if I accidentally scroll beyond the comment section? Won’t that completely screw with the metrics of the business in determining who are the writers that can draw a crowd vs those that piggybacking?

“We Just Found Out This Blog Is Covered in Infinite Scrolling Pages”

These apps are certainly “90% solutions” to the office suite problem. The thing is, they’re 100% solutions for 90% of people.

Honestly, I’m pretty bullish on Netflix since they’re now focusing on owning their own media, instead of leasing it from other companies. Right now cable companies are getting squeezed between customers not wanting to pay any more, and media companies wanting to charge more and more for each channel. Netflix can

So there’s too much good stuff to watch, so you stopped watching anything and canceled the service? Uhhhhh, ok.

see? apple can’t even have people apologizing for them and it draws complaints. ha!

I bet the article would be different if they spent gobs of money flying trees instead of trying to buy local trees.

People pile on trump because he acts and speaks with a disregard for facts. And he’s an amateur that claimed to know better than the experts.. He set a pretty high bar fellating the whims of rural America, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that he lacks many of the requisite aptitudes required of the presidency.

There’s a pretty substantial difference in how most normal people feel when a perfect stranger dies as opposed to a celebrity of whom one is a fan, and has come to know through interviews, memoirs, autobiographical movies and one-woman shows, Twitter interactions, etc.

No, but popping in to tell people you aren’t said when someone dies is always the wrong move.

A lot of people criticized the drone program and many still do-I am one one of them. You were just watching the wrong channel/echo chamber. It is a fallacious argument to state that Trump’s actions in this theatre are at all justified by the actions of the previous administration.

You do realize that a 64-bit and 32-bit are not the same and after awhile supporting 32-bit APIs is counterproductive?

There’s hyperbole, and there’s just getting your facts wrong.

The iPhone 5 came out in 2012 and shipped with IOS6, IIRC. It’s a little dramatic to call five years of support across five major operating system versions planned obsolescence.

You’re talking about a nearly 6 year old phone and you’re accusing Apple of planned obsolecense? If 6 years is planned obsolecencse that’s a horrible rate of return. But, Care to mention another manufacturer that has supported 6 year old phone? Most androids can’t even get the latest OS update a year later.

It won’t be obsolete, it just won’t be able to be upgraded. It’s not like they are changing the telephone protocol or something like that. The phones will continue to work.

I would not be surprised if there were requirements with the new Apple File System (debuted with iOS 10.3) that predicate the need to move to 64-bit only devices.

This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but with a tinkle.

We’re gonna see that piss tape, guys.