
Internet Man Burned By Fire He Helped Create...more at 11.

But where’s the swamp? That thing needs to be drained dontchaknow ...

So we *don’t* literally live in the movie Caddyshack now? Thank you, I’m never reading here again.

Scott didn’t do Aliens. That was Cameron.

Great questions and you nailed exactly how I feel.

So here’s my dilemma: I loathe Trump and don’t want to have a heart attack from four years of reading about and hearing every petty insult and schoolboy bullying bullshit he does, so I’ve stayed away from the news as much as I realistically can for most of the election, and certainly after the election (yes, I

2. Incite sad angry liberals to read and comment supporting each other

It’s close, Matt... it’s really really close.

Well, Trump University was considered a high class institution.

I disagree completely. People love Caddyshack. We’re living in Caddyshack 2.

On a car with zero lag acceleration.

On another note I read an interview with the first openly gay major employee at Disney (I think it was the 60s and he was working on Disneyland?). Anyway he said that even though everyone pretty much knew, no one (including Walt) really cared too much which is pretty progressive for the 60s. I should probably try and

Yeah, I’ve been doing some research. Seems like Wong would have been credited as “Lead Designer” or something if Bambi was released in 2016, but there wasn’t really an industry (nor geek/cultural) framework for that kind of recognition of movie artists and animators during the ‘40s.

The IMDB entry for Bambi gives ten names, including Wong’s, in the Animation Department for “backgrounds”. The obituary suggests that Wong had a much bigger influence, something like the way we associate H.R. Giger with Alien. But Wong’s contribution to Bambi wasn’t widely known until decades later.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

The ‘Godzilla Theory’ still holds water with me.