
I think it’s great that Tesla has a sense of humor. The Big Three certainly don’t. Things like make me like Musk and Tesla much more. Life should be fun; it’s nice that some fun energy is put into these newer products. I hope Tesla keeps doing stuff like this.

Now playing

Obviously he has not seen this installment of the franchise...

They are up 30% from 2015 sales. I don’t know why people say they aren’t selling

I absolutely agree but while I am stranded here doing phone interviews I have to write something. That’s my job. So I did this. I’m certainly not planning a series on my coldness or my feelings.

For you, being trapped in a hotel in North Dakota during a blizzard in subzero temperatures will be a story you tell for the rest of your life. For midwesterners, it was Tuesday.

Silly person of color, laws and decency don’t apply to powerful corporations and their paid thugs... they only apply to virtually powerless minorities.

Don’t forget concussion grenades!

White veterans showed up. People were going to start having opinions beyond “The North Dakota what now?

And wanting their kids to not get poisoned!? The nerve.....

If ETP and SXL start drilling again in defiance of the Army Corp of Engineers, then the Governor of North Dakota and the local sheriff will surely have to go after them with water cannons, dogs, rubber bullets, and orders to evacuate, right? Right? Because they care about laws and stuff.

It reminds me of those radicals in Flint, and their bizarre and selfish demand for drinking water they could drink.

If it ain’t broke. Besides, you can’t safely light fires in most modern tent structures because of chemicals and breathability.

This kind of action is what it’s going to take if we want to push against power and a cause a crisis of leadership.

“Lost billions because selfish Indians upset about ‘sacred’ land. Sad!”

The White House’s directive today to the Corps for further delay is just the latest in a series of overt and transparent political actions by an administration which has abandoned the rule of law in favor of currying favor with a narrow and extreme political constituency.

Hell yes, and don’t forget the veterans groups, each led by a Native American woman vet, who showed up to protect the water defenders. Now that is fucking American. Fuck these corporate, fossil fuel, fuck-the-environment bastards.

So, Austria rejected a far-right candidate and DAPL is stopped. It’s a good day! Let’s hope the results of the Italian referendum continue the pattern...and that this is a turning point after this no-good shitty year! (Louisiana senate seat; recounts and/or faithless electors, pleaseohplease!)