
Spoiler alert: it’s not going to get better for them. It’s been downhill for them since the Reagan administration, but they keep voting for the folks that ship their jobs overseas, bankrupt their pensions, pull their social safety nets, etc. Asking for sympathy while shooting yourself in the foot really only

The New Movement Starts Now

This morning, many Americans woke up fearful, wondering what comes next. The only possible answer: four years of


Ooof that’s a tough one. Either you’re honest and you have to deal with the backlash, or you stay silent but don’t get to voice your feelings. I’d probably say the real reason but then get so angry, I’d explode. Do what’s best for your mental health. I’m thrilled to be missing the holidays with my family!

Not true, if all of that income tax from the tech industry, and the entertainment industry went to the State of California instead of the federal government, we’d be sitting pretty. And are about to have a multi billion dollar pot industry.

Of course, you are going to have to redo that map as it appears that Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin might have to join Dumbfuckistan.

And let’s face it, the Trumpanzees don’t want us anyways; they call us degenerates and mongrols. So maybe they WILL let us secede.

I’ve proposed this before:

My LGBT status and particular religion combined mean that there is now an executive mandated political base that, were I within striking distance, would be very happy to literally murder me.

I’m in. It’s high time the United States not be so united anymore. It’s clear we can’t agree on anything, and have no desire to either.

The entire West Coast can easily support itself, since we hold most of what the country needs. California is the biggest agricultural state, the most populous state, and holds the vast majority of the tech industry in the nation. L.A. is something like the 10th largest economy in the world.

I’m in Oregon, sounds good to me, and California is one of the largest economies in the world even by itself. :-)

It was an interesting experiment, but it’s time to gracefully admit failure. The United States aren’t working. Split up and re-group. Do over, do right

Yes. I posted this elsewhere. Why do I, in CA, have to deal with this bullshit?

As far as I know, it looks like the site has been up since September of last year. My best guess is no one took it seriously until a few hours ago. I’d be willing to bet we’d adopt New Yorkers, our immigration policy will likely be a lot easier.

So it Begins:

8 years ago I would’ve said we are making real progress