
In the last 27 days of charging my Model S at home, I’ve spent a grand total of about $41, much less than I would have paid to drive the same number of miles on gas or diesel. That’s a little more than it would otherwise be because I’ve chosen to pay a premium to my electric company for “green energy.” The green

‘Cause he HIGH.

Is that the beach where the door washed up?

Starred, especially for the second sentence.

Of course she didn’t die in the “crash.” She was taken to the Delta Quadrant. We know this.

You should buy the newest one if you're going to buy one.

Hey how’s everybody doing I hope everyone’s doing great. Some folks wrote some comedy comments so I want to make sure that their comedic talents are fully appreciated by everyone at Jalopnik so I’ll start up a thread to give out some cheers and some jeers.

No one is arguing anything other than releasing co2 that was sequestered over millions of years, in the span of hundreds via burning hydrocarbons, accelerates the frequency severity and duration of climate change.

I can think of no better symbol for our planets warming trend than seeing the barren iceless land from a CO2 spewing, 13 story cruise ship, who’s path is made possible only because of other CO2 spewing vehicles.

This game clicked for me when I started walking past a safe radius from my ship, counting on some distant installation to recall it. Before then, I was icon-hopping in a utilitarian way. After that, I was scanning the horizon for zinc to maintain my environmental protection, dipping into caves and lakes during storms,

This game is pretty fantastic when you feel the total freedom to take your time. Take in the vistas. Laugh at the ridiculous chicken/t-rex hybrids. Leisurely float through space. Take tons of screenshots. Just explore. It facilitates a sense of just BEING there really nicely. You seem to be getting at a bit of that

Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.

On the other hand, Kate Winslet was always hot, both then and now.

I hear Google is fantastic this time of year.

What? No. How does that look anything like Fallout 3?

Just read up on the tech behind this game. Holy shit. The things they were able to pull off in 1999 are absolutely incredible. Raycasting for the terrain, parallax-corrected environment maps, open worlds, vehicles, an advanced water shader. These things were years ahead of their time. Then I read more in depth and

Then it isn't fallout 3.