
No, he only read part of the lyrics, leaving out the line where he calls her a “b****”, which is what she had a problem with.

She always said that there’d been one phone call, just that it never included talking about the offending line or playing the song for her, which according to the leaked videos still stands as true.

I never cared about a journalistic writer enough so far to remember their name, but Ms. Stone, your choice of topics and writing are class of their own, thanks!

Who the heck still has a tv or notebook when there are tablets and smartphones?

That’s why it’s called climate change, change in the natural balance of the earth climate. Missing balance causes extremes, and regardless whether it’s hot, cold, dry or flooding. It’s a globally connected system with a wide variety of weather conditions, naturally the effects on the Great Barrier Reef are different

Now even the weather acts like it believes in the global warming myth. Outrageous.

I’m glad you keep reporting about this, it’s important to make environmental issues as visible as possible to people around the world.

This looks interesting, and yet while apparently promoting a modern and educated viewpoint, there only is a DVD release or obscure, overpriced classroom-screening platform. Do you want to educate or exploit a sensitive topic to rip off customers?

I suggest we stop being greedy, I suggest a spiritual change and an end of false rationalizations.

People have lived freely and successfully in all parts of the world, including the far north, long before the industrialized age. It’s a matter of entitlements and complacency, and that today walking a few blocks is considered problematic.

The MacBook battery is a glued-in, asymmetrical custom Apple part, how does this qualify as user-serviceable?

That was insightful, great thought.

Right on, when individuals care, society cares. Why not at least begin to care a little bit? Are we really that far removed from the natural world that gave birth to us?

Yeah. I find environmental preservation and sustainable living quite practical and simple. But the topic comes with a lot of “baggage” and to avoid dealing with it people just stick with superficial nonsense.

Same here, I try to not let other opinions affect me, but it seems so heartless, so gruelingly bleak.

He responded to a superficial, generalized question with a superficial, generalized answer. His only fault was not seeing that he was being set up and answering a dumb question with seriousness.

But we want him coming back for the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull-sequel, right?

Because they are technological and scientific facts that are independently verifiable. Gates and the FBI only have an argument by omitting facts.

It’s literally what Apple say in their open letter. At least read their argument before passing judgement.

True, Gates personality has always lacked integrity, and here it’s on full display again.