
Counterpoint, yes you do.


2. Abusers are not responsible for their own actions, it’s not their fault they weren’t stopped earlier.

As someone who once dated a total asshole (emotional and one time physical abuser with an addiction problem) who presented as an all around put together and awesome person to his family, friends, and the public at large - I am skeptical of Pitt. People can be one way outside of the home and the opposite in it.

Yeah I mean that is totally possible. We don’t know anything really so anythings possible. I guess I just get reminded of that Ask Alice (??) post a while back on Jezzy where someone asked what to do if your boyfriend is friends with a creep and you keep getting told you’re crazy for wanting to get rid of him.

Cut to Trump tweet in 3...2...1...

It used to be if you walked down the street that if you saw a fascist, you could just start beating there ass. I don’t know why we stopped this practice.

Paula Dean said, “it’s the sexiest thing I have ever seen, and by a big margarine.”

Naw, see the photo? The boy was white.

I’m having such a hard time understanding what appear to be strongly liberal people who seem to go out of their way to bash this whole effort on Stein’s part. You can’t just applaud her for doing even one thing that isn’t a terrible, counterproductive waste? Even if that one thing is in your own personal best interest?

What is it conservative Christians said about our woman-abusing president elect? Sometimes the Lord uses a flawed person to accomplish a good result. And Stein hasn’t even done anything illegal as far as we know. Whatever her motive, let’s see how far she can take this.

Absolutely. He needs to sweat. He lost the popular vote. By a lot. We don’t have to make anything easy for him—and in fact, it’s our goddamn duty to make leading as hard as possible. He wanted this, he’s gonna have to fucking work.

Most likely Trump will be sworn in as president, but that doesn’t mean that the rest of the country is just going to sit back and take whatever he dishes out. We are now the opposition party. We are now the resistance. We have an opportunity to come back as a stronger better and more effective democratic party.

So? We have nothing to lose anyways? Why not shine a spotlight on how screwed up our system is for voting? How many provisional ballots are being thrown out, for example? And what’s wrong with making sure that we weren’t hacked?

... what is the value of undertaking a crazy venture like this?

If you’ll recall there was a strong Democrat challenger to Clinton who made election reform a part of their platform. This effort also dovetails with the Green party platform which promotes grassroots democracy. Not everyone thinks it’s all legit.

No hope? It’s happening. Have hope. Put your fucking downer bullshit aside and let’s try to make something good happen.

Shutting down continued discussion on issues that Clinton is flawed on is dangerous. It was important to continue discussion on issues that Obama was and is flawed on (drone bombings, deportation, etc). It was also important to continue discussion on issues that Kennedy was flawed on.


“Look what you made me do.”