
The makeup is comparable to just about everything else out there, but the microdermabrasion kit is the BEES KNEES. I love the satin hands collection, too. Also, the skincare is really good. My mom sold Mary Kay when I was a kid until my daughter was born and I lived off those sample packs.

I chose to take my husband's name because my dad is also a jackass! High five!

It's not just you. It makes me tense up in disgust and I don't know why.

I tip 40% on my hair cuts (but they're 45-50 dollar cuts to begin with) because I adore my stylist and I think she's worth every penny. Plus, when you routinely tip that well you get allllll the perks. Wine while I wait? yes. Fitting me on a super busy day when everyone else is getting turned away? yes.

Yeah I like her look before better. She was already cute. The after looks so generic.

Yeah, I think he's pretty sexy both ways.

I had that problem. My stylist was sweet and patient and asked me to bring in pictures of a few celebrities whose style I admired. Not just the cuts they had, but generally who I thought looked great. We pinned down that I like a sweet retro look and now my hair looks good and I feel like I'm finally presenting myself

Yeah, I kind of thought most haircuts lead to sexing because you feel like a goddess afterward. Whenever I come home from the salon I'm ready to bang because I know I'm looking really, really bangable.

I laughed so hard through this whole article and now I might cry laugh because I just can't stop. I think this might be my favorite thing you've written. Bravo!

I'm good at pickling things! I don't grow beets, but you do. We could be supportive of each other's priorities and have pickled beets! Together! Now that's a party.

Hugs to you. I have PTSD too, and the hard days are really hard. I know. :( Focus on your self-care and know that you ARE strong, but that doesn't mean you have to be stoic every day.

I have scoliosis and I've had two kids and never had a problem. Maybe hers is way worse than mine, but talk to a doctor. It might be fine.

I pee myself when sneezing every time. Two kids to blame for that.

"Business Sexual" is the best description ever.

Oh, that's magic. I need to make a print of this to frame in my house.

It is illegal for a 17 year old to have sex with a 13 year old. Period.

Haha! I really don't mind it. My kids go nuts for the planes and when my mother in law comes to visit I know she won't get lost or fall asleep and end up in Richmond.

I'm at the end of the BART line on the peninsula. It's a 20-30 minute ride to the city, we don't get the fog, and we pay $2150 for a 2 bed/ 1bath condo. That's the closest I need to get to SF.

It's just for me. My husband really doesn't care either way. In fact, most of the days I wear makeup I wear it during hours he's at work and by the time he gets home I'm showered and in jammies already.