
Pastichio is delicious!

You lost all credibility when you described The Beverly Hillbillies as being "dumb". The show wasn't dumb, it's premise was just very simple and direct. There were even many multi-leveled jokes in episodes. This is the hallmark of sophisticated humor, for those who take the time to notice, instead of sneering at the

You lost all credibility when you described The Beverly Hillbillies as being "dumb". The show wasn't dumb, it's premise was just very simple and direct. There were even many multi-leveled jokes in episodes. This is the hallmark of sophisticated humor, for those who take the time to notice, instead of sneering at the

Gosh, a professional blogger doesn't know how to use Google to find out what a Nubian is? Since the Nubians were an important part of Ancient Egyptian civilization, it's sad that Zack Handlen's never heard of them.

To those who say Parker is un-sexy, I say…NEIGH!