
What? Are you trolling? “Crawl back into our proverbial caves” as in, turn away from exploration like our ancient ancestors did”. It’s an exaggerated metaphor to make a point. Perhaps he should have said “metaphoric caves” or “figurative caves”?

He said “proverbial caves”

God doesn’t exist tho....

Ooga Booga FIRE FIRE HOT PAIN FROM SKY LIGHTNING PURPLE DANGER FEAR RUN. That’s where we would now if we held on to your mentality.

Proverbial, metaphorical, etc etc. No need to be intentionally obtuse because a comment disagrees with your opinion.

Not understanding the use of the word “proverbial” might.

So lets just give up and crawl back into our proverbial caves instead of reaching into the unknown and possibly grasping a much deeper understanding of the universe.