Al Jalaikakik

I just hope these are handed out in a Big Bag.

Ryder will be playing Beetlejuice in this one.

Midichoroform is how Anakin's mom got pregnant.

"but they couldn’t find Dick"

Artis anal fuck? Pass.

Dickwolves, wasn't that what Penny Arcade got a shitstorm over?

Rudderless. Can't be a Dutch film then.

Well they're certainly only allowed to Bose their fiancees HALF to death.

And Hep C. Can't forget that.

Radio Shack employees generally make Geek Squad guys look like Rocket Scientists, and Wal-Mart customers look like runway models and porn starlets.

"Those that have worked at The Shack have been sacked."

Bandersnatch Cumberbint.