
They’d have my attention, at the least.

They’re still a step up from a BHPH dealer, but a small step.

They don’t seem to be doing very much passing. Most all road rage is two people being assholes, and one winning. The loser plays the victim.

for what was claimed to be a fender bender. just pay that out of pocket. be a few grand lighter, not twenty grand lighter.

I think the question is, why would you file an insurance claim on a grey market import? Or even try to insure it as an automobile when it really has more in common with a sculpture until it’s legally allowed on the road.

Let’s be honest here: You don’t want to recommend anything interesting or fun to a non-car person. When it breaks, they will blame you. You want something boring, bland, with a reputation for reliability. You want a CPO Camry.

in all honesty,why not have the Jalopnik community as a whole attempt to purchase this. If video game kick starter programs can receive a few million dollars, I don't see why we could not collectively come together, own and produce said vehicles, and those who have supplied moneyget a stake in the company.

Interesting take.

But surely you have an interest in seeing ISIS taken down and Iran stopped from building a nuke, no? I understand that certain rational elements in Pakistan are war weary at this point and you have your own issues to deal with, but the spread of ISIS cannot be something you just want to ignore, and

I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve heard this, from men and women, young and old: “I’m not into cars, but I love Top Gear.” If it didn’t serve as a gateway drug for cars, it at least helped the normals understand us enthusiasts a little bit.

Top Gear UK didn't just get me going on cars, it's hands down the best travel show around, which is a whole new dimension you don't hear many "petrol-heads" talk about. The best episodes were the adventures out into the world's wild and unpredictable roads, which had a fantastic way of making you feel like you went

if it has no gearbox, then what are the paddle shifters for?

If you cut out the droopy bottom half of the lights it would look much better.

The real crime in this story is no mention of the Caddy at the end. I almost missed it. Just saw it before closing the window!

Stonebrook appreciates how Enzo Ferrari started his own car company in the 1930s after failing to be impressed by one of Lamborghini's offerings.

I can think of one, really really really good reason.

This guy isn't an idiot. He's twisting himself into a pretzel trying to defend the indefensible, and even he knows it.

I wish this comment was way higher up. And please don't feel like you need to apologize on behalf of the uneducated masses in your country, we have a whole bunch of them too (as evidenced by some very misogynistic comments on this very page). Your words are very thoughtful and I personally really appreciated your tone