
This comment doesn't make sense.

There's more than enough for an indictment — based on pics and eyewitness statements, there is certainly enough evidence to raise the question in court. Is there enough to convict? Well, we don't know anything about the eyewitnesses, but there are multiple witnesses and what they say is certainly not contradicted by

And I'm going to let you do deal with the issue of not understanding what is normal behavior and what constitutes appropriate reviewing conduct.

TMZ published pictures though. What they were doing did not seem innocent or just a kiss. And employers saw them going at it. They were the ones who called the police. Whether a picture showed everything perfectly or not, the point is that people at a company SAW them from their offices. I was very supportive of her

Listen, I've heard En Vogue's "Free Your Mind," too. You're not going to educate me on the minority experience in America any more than my life already has. There's a massive difference between flustered, furious and crazy. As a person of color, a "plus size" person, and a gay person I'm very familiar with what

Hell to the fucking no. I don't need to see anyone fucking in a public area, door open or not. Fuck that. Pun intended.

According to the complaint call, they were fucking in his car on a public street in broad daylight with the door open. This isn't police overreach, this is Celebrity Special Snowflakedom at its grossest level.

Would you feel the same way about walking past a car where a guy was jerking off? Does his private world inside his car supersede your right not to be exposed to his masturbation? Or are you just being nosy?

A midget submarine wouldn't have a nuclear reactor.

Yeah people complaining about radiation in the ocean rarely make sense.

Are you for real? It wasn't just a discussion about her ass for shock and awe, it was an opportunity (christ, a plea!) for her to not just shake her ass, but to talk about the intention behind it, to discuss her empowerment and use of sexuality in modern society... but she had nothing. How the hell is it slut shaming

Maybe because rushing to charge people can ruin cases and/or lives? Why the need for immediate justice? Let the legal system work.

I would imagine because they're still gathering evidence.

It just means that they are still putting the case together and deciding what exactly to charge him with. It can sometimes take a while to get all the information and for the DA to decide the number of counts for each charge as well. For a complex case like this it is fairly normal.

Some also speculated the President was born in Kenya. Some speculated that Elvis and Tupac are still alive.

That's overly complicated. If they wanted, they could just do the same thing they did last time. All it took was a few guys and some box cutters.

Nah. The boring truth of it is that Tom Scocca, my friend and colleague, tipped me off.

If you're concerned about the term "Indian", you might consider asking the opinion of the American Indian Movement.

Just a thought.

Indian is the preferred term for most tribes, and is not generally considered offensive or archaic

If black people and Asians start referring to themselves that way and asking the press to use those terms, sure.