
Indeed. There are many ways to make a movie or TV show bad (many of them, as Chief Queef points out, beyond the actors’ control and even occurring after filming is done), but all of these factors, or at least most of them, have to come together to make the result good.

Florida licensed lawyer here- a motor vehicle is known as a dangerous instrumentality and under Florida law, the person doing the entrusting is responsible for the driver’s actions. There are cases here where a person claims the driver didn’t have permission to operate the vehicle, but left the keys out where the

Either you know the person’s character and know they are likely to speed, or you don’t know their character and why the hell are you lending your car to someone’s whose character you have no idea over; either way, I’m calling it depraved indifference homicide.

Seeing as the person killed was the caretaker for a number of people, I expect their lawyers are open to suing anyone possible and collecting what they can after insurance. 

Unfortunately it’s standard procedure in the US following car accidents - you go after everyone you can. The defender can merely say “if X hadn’t lent their car to Y we wouldn’t be here”, and the burden of proof shifts to X.

Well, if you suspect or worse, know somebody won’t be able to handle the car you’re letting them drive, you might as well be handing someone with no firearm experience or willingness to act safely a loaded gun.  It might be ok, somebody could end up dead.

Letting a reckless maniac drive your car is reckless. 

Is the video someone would get fired for the St. Jude’s/Aniston one? Why would someone get fired for that? What am I missing?

She didn’t say she doesn’t know who “she is”. She said she doesn’t know her whatsoever, which is less Mariah and more just honest.

I’m looking for long form journalism, not a tweet.  

Well, you see, the owners held their thumbs over the license plates while taking pictures, so they are 100% untraceable.

couldn’t they just run the plates and find the registered owner? it’s not like these are sunglasses and need to wait at lost and found for someone to claim

Thinking about the circumstances that led to these abandoned cars is quite sad. Could be the owners traveled alone and died at their destination with no next of kin to be found. 

Is Sarah trolling?

I’m going to be very vague and just say my friend wasn’t sure if she’d nicked her hand on a bat or not(but she’d definitely nicked her hand). There was a bat involved and no they could not capture it. After some hesitation, she went to the hospital ER(no insurance) and when it was all said and done I believe she was

Raccoons are a rabies vector, but over and above that they also carry some pretty nasty parasites that can infect animals and humans and are effectively untreatable.   My wife was a vet tech for a lot of years and about the only mammal she doesn’t unreservedly love are raccoons. 

How tragic. Here’s an idea! Let’s host a fun run race for the cure for rabies. To raise awareness of the fact that there is a cure for rabies. A disease that has been largely eradicated in the U.S.

Those who may have come into close contact with the man’s bodily fluids were also assessed and chose to undergo preventive treatment, officials said.”

This kid needs a baseball bat to the knees.