
“so no one will ever call out this marriage for what it really is.”

Well, when you’re wrong, you’re wrong.

Yeah it’s just she seemed a little... hesitant is maybe the best word. Maybe that’s just understandably how she is as a person but I wonder given you could hear the anti-games protests on the live coverage whenever it got quiet maybe she herself has some reservations about the whole thing too.

Because of advertising dollars. That’s pretty much the only reason to go ahead with this thing.

Hugs for your dad.

Other than one other couple, every single one of our friends has done this and multiple times. One of my husband’s female friends was remarried within 6 months of her divorce, to a guy she met after the divorce.
We don’t teach people how to stay married, and don’t provide mental health programs to teach people how to

I surmise Affleck has a chronic emptiness inside that is not uncommon to addicts. Instead of filling the void with alcohol, he fills it with the dopamine rush of new (or in this case factory-refurbished) loooveee. 

I imagine for most celebrities it’s motivated by a desire for stability/closeness in a life that is hectic and unreal.

1. Tessa Thompson is indeed very hot. And who the fuck cares if they are in a thruple. The more non-heteronormative relationships there are in the world, the better. We should only be upset that we are not in their super hot relationship.

I watched that and thought two things:

Thousands of people are still dying and will continue to do so because of this idiot. He’s the gift that keeps giving.

If I’ve learned anything in my 32 years on this godforsaken earth, it’s that the worst people seem to live the longest.

And to think any one of us would’ve pulled the plug on the fucking son of a bitch.

I find it just overwhelmingly depressing that organizing on every level draws in (or maybe creates?) egomaniacs that are so problematic. I’m not sure if they can both do good while also positioning themselves as a savior, but I definitely believe they believe their own hype, and someone like Shaun King will never

While King advocates for many causes and issues I personally want addressed and prioritized, my concern is basically: where there’s smoke there’s fire. There isn’t just one accusation. There are many.

I feel like Bonfire of the Vanities should be mandatory reading these days (but for the love of God do not watch the movie).

That man is a fucking grifter. Yall should listen to the Scam Goddess episode about him. 

He had a 5 book head start and then proceeded to publish zero ASoIaF books during the entire run of the series.

I can’t comment on things a lot of the time, and I’m never able to see or respond to those who have responded to me. They show up in my notifications, but they don’t show in the comments, even when I search pending as well.

Off topic: This website technically sucks. Half the time I can’t see responses/comments. And “Load More Comments” never works.