
She wanted a no-fly zone declared over Syria, putting the US in direct conflict with the Russians that operate the airspace.

It’s a 4chan troll started from last year you fucking imbecile. You know how you think your parents are oblivious to tech and the internet? That’s you now. You’re a fucking dinosaur. Your parents get duped by phone scams claiming to be the IRS, wheras you yourself get duped by intentionally fake news stories that

It’s a 4chan troll started from last year you fucking imbecile. You know how you think your parents are oblivious to tech and the internet? That’s you now. You’re a fucking dinosaur. Your parents get duped by phone scams claiming to be the IRS, wheras you yourself get duped by intentionally fake news stories that

It’s a 4chan troll started from last year you fucking imbecile. You know how you think your parents are oblivious to tech and the internet? That’s you now. You’re a fucking dinosaur. Your parents get duped by phone scams claiming to be the IRS, wheras you yourself get duped by intentionally fake news stories that

It’s a 4chan troll started from last year you fucking imbecile. You know how you think your parents are oblivious to tech and the internet? That’s you now. You’re a fucking dinosaur. Your parents get duped by phone scams claiming to be the IRS, wheras you yourself get duped by intentionally fake news stories that

It’s a 4chan troll started from last year you fucking imbecile. You know how you think your parents are oblivious to tech and the internet? That’s you now. You’re a fucking dinosaur. Your parents get duped by phone scams claiming to be the IRS, wheras you yourself get duped by intentionally fake news stories that

You got trolled by 4chan you dumb faggot.

Why does PP need its own funding if every service they perform is legal health care?

LOL the implied drinking and driving message. The good ol’ days.

You dumb broad. Wikileaks doesn’t believe governments aren’t allowed to maintain OPSEC, it simply wants people held accountable for their decisions.

I don’t get the weird cognitive dissonance among Trump supporters (and Trump himself) who seem to want to pretend this never happened.

They found that isn’t what happened at all and yet here you are still thinking the election was “hijacked.”

God created the dinosaurs in 7 days then decided it wasn’t a good idea and buried them a few thousand years ago. I’m certain of this but we can’t know specific details or it might reveal the CIA mole we have in Heaven.

The report says that Russia influenced the election by:

2017, the year the Left decided it didn’t want more jobs coming back to the United States, because their ideology relies on a subservient dependent class, as opposed to self-reliant people with jobs.

Megan Reynolds, where reporting on hypothetical bad things is more important than reporting on things that actually happened.

Report #BLMKidnapping

Being able to speak freely in the public arena isn’t asking for a safe space, it’s asking for basic liberty. A “safe space” is taking a venue OUT of the public arena to self-segregate or avoid criticism.

Jezebel tackling the most important stories.