
It’s an ad lib answer you idiot.

She wanted a no-fly zone declared over Syria, putting the US in direct conflict with the Russians that operate the airspace.

You pedos appear distraught.

Your career as anything credible is fucking over Matt. Done.

It’s a 4chan troll started from last year you fucking imbecile. You know how you think your parents are oblivious to tech and the internet? That’s you now. You’re a fucking dinosaur. Your parents get duped by phone scams claiming to be the IRS, wheras you yourself get duped by intentionally fake news stories that

It’s a 4chan troll started from last year you fucking imbecile. You know how you think your parents are oblivious to tech and the internet? That’s you now. You’re a fucking dinosaur. Your parents get duped by phone scams claiming to be the IRS, wheras you yourself get duped by intentionally fake news stories that

It’s a 4chan troll started from last year you fucking imbecile. You know how you think your parents are oblivious to tech and the internet? That’s you now. You’re a fucking dinosaur. Your parents get duped by phone scams claiming to be the IRS, wheras you yourself get duped by intentionally fake news stories that

It’s a 4chan troll started from last year you fucking imbecile. You know how you think your parents are oblivious to tech and the internet? That’s you now. You’re a fucking dinosaur. Your parents get duped by phone scams claiming to be the IRS, wheras you yourself get duped by intentionally fake news stories that

It’s a 4chan troll started from last year you fucking imbecile. You know how you think your parents are oblivious to tech and the internet? That’s you now. You’re a fucking dinosaur. Your parents get duped by phone scams claiming to be the IRS, wheras you yourself get duped by intentionally fake news stories that

You got trolled by 4chan you dumb faggot.

Here’s another marginalized group that conservatives are oppressing. Get on the case!

No I don’t hate liberals at all, in fact I’m left of center. What I hate are self-described liberals that are anything but. You’ve hijacked the definition, when in fact there is nothing liberal about you. You’re pro-censorship, anti-objectivity, and nearly every policy the organized left currently holds is for the

Yeah, damn Amish, no better than ISIS

“Living in fear is what the terrorists want, if you do that they win.”

Why does PP need its own funding if every service they perform is legal health care?

LOL the implied drinking and driving message. The good ol’ days.

it is most definitely about who did the hacking and why.

Democrats have been doing it with the Soviet Union which doesn’t even exist.