
for some reason I’m really enjoying that he spelled it ‘fucken.’

WTF?! Totally dumbfounded by this. I am surprised it took this long for something like this to happen, then.

Another Friday in America.

Fort Lauderale is not all brown people, and you’re not a good troll.

Someone on my Facebook is already trying to blame refugees. Now that this guy is probably latino the Trumpsters will use it as an excuse to build their wall even though the shooter is probably a citizen.

If only freedom loving patriots were allowed to carry while on the planes then all would’ve been safe! You have the Transportation Socialist Authority to thank for this!

When I first heard about this, I couldn’t help but think:

I used to feel bad for people who share anniversaries or birthdays with the date of a tragic event, like 9/11. But this shit happens so often that everyone will soon have a birthday that coincides with a mass shooting.

I would bet most luggage is stolen before it ever gets to baggage claim.

If we all just offer up enough Thoughts and Prayers (tm), we’ll never have another mass shooting again.

Is it time to just ban Florida?

Yep. Something other than the outtakes. Maybe details of business dealings with the Russians? Tom mentioned the tax returns too. Please let it be real crimes. Real tax evasion. Real money laundering. Real fraud. Real high crimes and misdemenors.

Just imagine “Tom Arnold saves America” starring Tom Arnold.

If it turns out that Tom Fucking Arnold could have been the one to save the world from destruction, that would be the most 2016 thing of all 2016.

Release the damn tapes before January 20 or hush, child.

I was thinking Val Kilmer in Tombstone:

I’m getting a Vince Gilligan vibe.

“White Genocide” sounds like Swedish death metal band.