Alison Jones

Wait, so you are segregating blog posts now? Should I sit at the back of the blog bus if I don’t agree with your opinion?

I love that the author here is upset because this woman expressed views that don’t correspond to his own... like the audacity of someone to have a different opinion.

I thought she made a valid

Quite sure.

Piling on someone for being ineloquent. How very liberal.

Saying that health care is a right, but sharing the burden of that right is a privilege, is a contradiction

Health care is a right in this country. But having someone else cover the costs, is not a right that’s a privilege. And most people get that benefit through their job.

I get the Healthcare thing but does every woman have to be a feminist? This sounds extremely judgmental. Feminism is supposed to stand for women making their own choices freely and feminists are the first ppl to attack a WOMAN who doesnt believe what they do. Not being or identifying as a feminist does not = women

Ok but it goes both ways. I’ve seen white kids being picked on for being white quite a few times. I’ve been called a cracker bitch by black kids. I’ve been told I can’t be all white because I’m too nice to be white. Another black child said stop calling me white I can’t help it I was born this way. So it’s about

Damnation! Goons need to focus their energy and be mad at real shit.

I disagree. I think we need more. I think the racial makeup of a police dept should somewhat reflect the racial makeup of the area they’re policing. I figure that if the cops live in the community they work in, it might be easier for them to see the citizens as people.

What part of “The filibuster is not an option” do you not get?

Yes, let’s fuss and moan about my grammar at a time when the very institutions that form our government are being fashioned into weapons by which to punish the poor, the immigrant, and the minority, for merely existing.

He’s not taking any snaps this year...

No shit I can google it. The fact that you had to google it proves my point, which you apparently missed.

Our democratic process itself was attacked and harmed, and all Americans should be concerned

I’d venture to say that cruising in a hot car, popping off rando robberies and ramming an occupied police car and injuring two cops is more than a potential threat. That’s going for Max Score.

So when the driver injured them, they shouldn’t have opened fire? Or maybe she shouldn’t have been in a car connected to a rash of robberies.

If you are human and possess X/Y-Chromosome pairs, you are male regardless of any surgery, drug-therapy, makeup, attire, personal belief/feeling -OR- politics. It’s simply SCIENCE!!

One of the biggest dangers is that well spoken crackpots like Umar can seduce the most gullible into thinking that the most irrational ideas are really plausible. Like this author says they exploit the frustrations of people instead of providing real guidance and leadership.

Lead from the water leached from the pipes into the city’s drinking-water supply.

Thanks for this. Great explanation. My favorite part: