Alison Jones

I’m sorry Hockey. Things have shrunk for the younger generations. Even I have an old 5 1/4" Drive laying around.

Dr. Alveda King- MLK’s Niece - calls Warren out about her inappropriate use of the letter.

2009 NAACP Governmental Award of Excellence awarded to Senator Sessions.

Another liberal fascist has the threaten violence when proven to be factually incompetent. Wake up!! You can’t stay in your fake news bubble forever. You can continue to be misinformed, make up your own lies, and just believe the dishonest garbage they feed you, or you can read and learn for yourself. Guess integrity

Stop the fake news already!! So NOONE at the root is capable of actually reading the executive order and seeing that it is in fact not a Muslim ban? It doesn’t in any way restrict 90% of the worlds Muslim population including 5 of the top Muslim countries. When Obama (YES OBAMA CHOSE THE COUNTRIES) chose these

Stupid to boycott. The ad shows someone immigrating here legally and working hard. That’s not what people oppose. Almost as dumb as the one named Queen who tweeted Damn, the Nfl been around longer than our government. We’ve had 50 Super Bowls and only 45 Presidents I didn’t know that.” One guess who this idiot voted

It’s ok and even healthy to disagree with fellow Americans about policies and goals if we speak about facts. But when your total basis of opposition is your own personal hate and bigotry against someone, credibility is lost. Thank you for what you do. I too work in service of the public in need. It is by empathizing


Your ignorance is why things are going the way they are. It may be easier to avoid the truth and just believe the comfortable bias they post here but that willful ignorance is what is building more and more barriers to success for blacks. How can you make educated decisions for the future if you simply fabricate your

True- the lazy sheep will avoid the inauguration and let you lead them to the plantation. You want things to really change? listen for yourselves good or bad. hear the TRUTH -(not the bigotry and bias people feed you) educate yourself. the future is truly without hope if you simply defer your knowledge of the world to