I don't think we'll see her again. I don't want to see her again. She needs to sort her life out. Spend that nest egg on fucking therapy.
I don't think we'll see her again. I don't want to see her again. She needs to sort her life out. Spend that nest egg on fucking therapy.
Coady seemed to promise Mark he would get the cure if he brought in Helena. He held up his end of the bargain by turning on Gracie when she lied. I imagine he might be team clone after getting his cure and realizing the price he paid, though.
Unless, in the grand scheme of the main story, it doesn't matter at all who is in power in dorne, and the show had to cut storylines for time…
I have gotten the sense more that she cares about Dorne, not about House Martell. And she felt Doran was not doign a good job for Dorne.
i dont remember the "strong circumstantial evidence" that Aerys raped Joanna a year before Tyrion was born. I remember "liberties" on the Lannister wedding night…
because they are straight white men. They don't have to worry about things, so they don't have to care.
Eh…. even there, I'm not sure… long straight/wavy ish hair with the front pieces pinned back? That's also how Margery wore her hair after her time in the cellar. It's also basically how Melisandre wears her hair… it's like, the ponytail of Westeros. It's not like in S1 when Sansa very clearly shifts from northern hair…
I think iby leaving them out of the earlier parts of the show, it just blatantly show some us that they aren't going to matter in the end game,
I don't mean that she isn't suddenly a master manipulator, just that no one is giving her any credit and people are all "no, Jon, you can't leave her alone with him!" She can at least hold him off from whatever little plans he has plotted recently.
agreed….. i've been steadily disappointed about the show
she is pregnant with twins, of course. that is demanding on the body.
Yeah, I know that. It was symbolic. The wolf has never really been appropriate for Sansa. Think of Ned and his siblings: Brandon, the Wild Wolf; Lyanna the She Wolf; Ned the Quiet Wolf and Benjen the young pup. Sansa was called "the little bird," The Little Dove, etc. She just wasn't as "Stark-y" as the rest of the…
i mean, there were funny bits — Sam not answering when Jorah asked if he's done it before, for example.
only some of the ejaculate fluid contains sperm from the testes. There are other internal organs that contribute.
Her hair is not styled like Cercei's, it's styled like Cat's used to be. Cercei has a very specific hair style now, it's called the Joffrey and Sansa does not have a Joffrey.
I believe the entire point of the people who created the Unsullied is to avoid the opportunity to have sex ever, thus avoiding the complications of desire and relationships that make men less ideal warriors.
I think we are supposed to believe they were ALL in the sept…
Your questions are good and logical. Therefore, there are no answers to be found in the show. I'm just trying to make sense of what we're given. He seems to want an allegiance with her. I think he might be planning to overthrow her if given the chance…? I don't know why ANYONE would want to marry her. (1, she's too…
Agreed. Sansa actually knows what LF wants - he gave her a power over him that no one else has. She's not stupid for keeping him around. She's waiting until it makes sense to use her knowledge.
Refresh my memory - how does the Hound know about what LF did to Ned?